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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for Vitiligo Advice and Support

Hey my name is alvin and im just trying to talk to people about their experience with vitiligo and what works for them! (:

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Hi! Call me Nea. I've had Vitiligo for upwards of 12 years now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.🤗



Hi! My vitiligo is slow I wish there was some kind of cure for it. They said it’s not reversible, but I believe it has something to do with what’s going on inside of you about your immune system. What do you think Nea?



it is a autoimmune disorder. So basically, for some reason your immune system thinks that your melanin( the substance in your body that produces hair and skin pigment. ) is a foreign germ and is doing its job. A.K.A your body is killing off the pigmentation in your skin. When I got diagnosed, they told me that there was no unknown treatment for it, but there is a chance that it will go away on it's own. Its different for everyone. For instance, most people's vitiligo is symmetrical. Meaning that their patches are the same on the left and right side of their bodies. Mine is not. I o ly have patches on my right side. Mine still continues to spread, but some people never have more than one or two patches. I suggest getting used to always carrying sunscreen with you. Without melanin you have very little protection against sunburn.



Hey I tried a lot of meds but none worked. Instead, one of the meds messed up my kidneys. I dont go through any medication for it anymore and somehow it seems to have shrunk a lot. I am vitiligo for the last 15 years. Inbox me any questions you might have



Hi Diego! It must be something that you’re doing that seems to make it shrunk or it could be the medication that finally worked. If not are you doing something different perhaps natural? Please share if you don’t mind. Thanks.😊

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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