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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Joint Laxity: Seeking Advice

I've been diagnosed with joint laxity but nothing specific and no further workups despite having a minimum of one subluxation of my joints per day. I've had days with over 30 subluxations before. I don't have the money to buy braces (finger ring splints, back brace, etc). I currently own a hand + thumb soft brace, a wrist splint, a splint from after my procedure on my hand, one aircast boot, one ankle brace, and a couple ace bandages. any suggestions to reduce subluxation, especially in the hips and shoulders?

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For the hand splints (I know they are really expensive) the ones I have are from Zebra Splints and are a lot cheaper than most, so def check those out (especially during May, she usually has a big sale)! Hips and shoulders are totally the hardest though, I get it! For my hips, one of my biggest struggles is crossing my legs, so I would try to find solutions to keep yourself out of those kinds of positions that you know throw your joints off (like I get cold, which causes me to cross my legs, but if I warm up with a blanket and sometimes even put something between my legs, I can uncross them)



Thanks! I appreciate this 😊 Yeah, I don't cross my legs often, but I sit with my feet on the sides 😅 Probably should stop that



KT tape has helped me with my hip and shoulder issues a lot! There are a ton of tutorials on YouTube, but I’ve found that you know your body and you just have to find what works. 🤗

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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