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Updated 11mo ago

What to Expect from a Gastric Emptying Study?

Hey everyone, I will be getting doing the Gastric Emptying Study next month. My doctors haven’t told me too much about the test and I’m curious to know what to expect. If anyone could give me some feedback on the GES I would really appreciate it.

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I had the classic experience - eating the radioactive eggs and getting several images taken (for me it was after 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr). It was really simple - just eat the eggs and wait between scans. Honestly the hardest parts for me were that eating made me feel awful (such is life with gastroparesis right?) and it was exhausting. But other than that it was not too bad. Be prepared though - the eggs are rather gross haha. I hope it goes smoothly and that you get on track to some symptom relief!



thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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