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Updated 11mo ago

Need Natural Energy Boosters, Help!

My energy is non existent, I'm at work and come 2pm and I feel like I could take a nap standing up. I was just taken off vitamin B because I had toxicity and I googled what could happen and it said too much vitamin B can do neurological damage. Yet the thing that was giving me energy throughout the day was this vitamin. What can I take for energy? I like natural stuff

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I was always sleepy, cold, and feeling hungry until I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. It is a form of low functioning thyroid condition. After I started taking daily levothyroxine, I started to feel better.



Can I ask what mg you’re taking? I’m on 25mcg which is bare minimum. My endo is testing for Hashimoto because I show all of the symptoms. I was diagnosed with a slow thyroid a couple of yrs ago but it’s getting worse



Pushky I've been taking 125mcg of levothyroxine about 7 years now. In testing it shows I'm leveled out but I still have no energy and I have body pain always



The symptoms you experiencing might also be a side effect of some other medications. In my case a blood pressure medication would slow my heart beat too low and I always felt sleepy and my metabolism slowed to a crawl



The only thing that helps me with those is going for a walk, and sticking to an anti inflammatory autoimmune diet. But there are some herbs. Check with a professional herbalist because some are contraindicated with certain pharmaceuticals ans certain medical conditions. Is something or someone at work draining it you? Can you let yourself rest for 30 min-1hour when you get home. Also i know it seems silly just sitting down for while and drinking a lot of water can help. Sometimes there’s not much we can do and we just need to rest.. a lot.. it’s frustrating



I personally feel like taking a Vitamin D3 supplement has helped me with joint pain and energy levels. I was deficient for a while. Have you had your Vitamin D level tested?

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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