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Updated 11mo ago

Looking for Advice on Buspar and Anxiety Medications

okay, so i currently take 4.5mg vraylar; 100mg pristiq; 40mg vyvanse; & my newest addition of 15mg buspirone twice a day. anyone going through anything similar? additionally, what are your thoughts on buspar? like i said, it's my newest med for persistent anxiety & im very unsure about it based on reviews & articles i've read. as far as treating anxiety, i've tried prozac, zoloft (both of which were to treat depression, but didn't help my anxiety at all - it worsened), hydroxyzine, propranolol, klonopin, & now buspar. i've taken the genesight test, and genetically, out of all SSRIs, SNRIs, etc., pristiq, fetzima, emsam & viibryd are the only ones that would have a positive effect on me, & i'm already taking pristiq, which is an SNRI. i haven't reacted well to many classes of anxiety medications & i’m gonna be so sad if buspar doesn't work out.

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I wasn't even aware that they had genetic testing for mental health medication. Thank you! I am sorry they have put you through so many different medications already. It really feels like we are the trials for doctors in treating mental health diagnosis. I hope Buspar ends up working for you. Sending good vibes.



I’ve been on buspirone for nearly 2 years now. It helps my anxiety so much. I take 10mg 3x/day. I’ve also been through a lot and can’t take any SSRIs/SNRIs either due to side effects. Buspirone was the only thing that helped my anxiety. I also take Vraylar and Vyvanse will be started soon once I undergo lab work. Sending good vibes!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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