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Updated 10mo ago

Can Alcohol Numb Your Symptoms?

Anyone else ever feel like if you drink enough (alcohol) your symtpoms will numb themselves and be fine? No an alcoholic lol i promise, just something I noticed. Anyone relate!? Im curious it anyone else has a similar experience. Be open and honest my friends 💕

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yes actually till the morning 🤣 its a mess i think bc it kinda relaxes ?



sometimes, but then i tend to get interstitial cystitis symptoms! for ibs, it may be dehydration too? not sure but that's part of why it gets me every time. (...i say, drinking alcohol right now) mostly i'm hoping that it has that unexpected side effect for me, i've been getting painful bowel spasms daily (way more than usual) so... science time?



science result: no symptoms :B] didnt have any spasms last night but i usually have them worse in the morning anyway, so jury's out on whether it works. but it didn't seem to hurt. that said - i remembered something a friend told me once. certain alcohols are not ibs friendly, though i'm not sure which ones, so make sure you check for those before trying it as a remedy



I've tried that in the past but then feel worse when I sober up.



I feel like I can relate to all of these responses (and thank you 😄) I feel like if I’m already experiencing bloating and whatnot, drinking makes it much worse, but if I’m not bloating the symtpoms stave off until I’m asleep at least or the next day - Sometimes I pay for it the next day and sometimes no. I usually stick with vodka because all other alcohols give me gut spasms the next day (especially tequila! And I can’t drink beer) definitely relate to the dehydration too!! Waking up feeling like spongebob left out of water too long 😂 everything in moderation i guess

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