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Updated 10mo ago

The Connection Between Music and Drugs

Music and drugs both create pleasure by acting on the brain's opioid system. So does that mean I have the same withdrawals? I listen to music 24/7 honestly I wake up FOR music. Music is the reason I’m still here.

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Im pretty sure that would be considered a healthy coping skill as it allows for the individual to press pause :)



Music releases the substance already in the brain, drugs put them there. Certain drugs block re uptake. There is a way less noticeable decrease when you are not listening to music, versus pushing heroin. If you have sex twice a day, its basically the same. If you go a week without having sex you might get horny but thats all, same with music. Coping skills are for coping. If you are dependent upon a single coping skill, its best to develop other hobbies for you to better cope when one isnt available. Singing, writing poetry, and story telling are related to music and can help you branch out if you ever go to in patient and dont have an audio device for instance.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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