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Updated 10mo ago

Managing Fibromyalgia Symptoms: Need Help with Walking Aids

Does anyone have experience with cons and managing fibromyalgia symptoms especially with walking? Are there people who use walking aids or mobility aids? It’s difficult to walk currently a two-three hour walk with frequent stops and rest will result in a flare. I would appreciate some help.

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That's a lot of walking. I'm sore after an hour walk. I'm sure you can use a cane if you think it would help. No reason not too



I currently use a cane as walking ten to fifteen minutes was making me ache and have a flare up I’m also looking into other mobility aids such as a walker I can sit on



I use a cane on days I walk more, and I get some comments like at the zoo someone assumed I was using my moms cane cause she was using the electric wheelchair right next to me, but honestly I don’t particularly care what people say anymore, I know I’m limiting my pain the following days by using the cane and I’m doing what’s healthy for me.



Thank you for the suggestions. I have been thinking about a wheelchair for a while, I really can’t walk without pain or pushing myself to an extreme.



I don’t currently have any mobility aids (that may be something I need in the future), but I do have a disabled parking placard for my car. It really helps a lot on my rough pain days! I felt weird using it at first because I’m only 24 and don’t look like I need it, but honestly it’s nobody’s business but my own and handicapped parking was made for all disabled people, the majority of whom statistically are probably invisibly ill like I am.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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