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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Trichotillomania and Unsolicited Comments from Friends

i got trichotillomania a few months ago in 2021 and i ripped out almost all my eyelashes out. some of my friends were concerned and asked me what happend to my eyelashes but i don’t trust them so i didn’t tell them why, one of my friends would ask me during class but so loud and kinda in a making fun of me type of way and another one of my friends would try to force me to tell her why which i didn’t feel comfortable telling her and i didn’t tell anyone why because that is a very sensitive topic to me and she would try to force me to tell her and she was like “you can genuinely trust me.” which i knew was a lie because before that she was so mean to me. when some of my eyelashes were gone it was very hard for me during school cause people would say stuff so i tried to grow them out and they are grown out which i am super happy about and proud of myself but it’s super tempting to just rip them all out but i’m trying not to do that cause when i didn’t have eyelashes that was a very hard time of my life and people were so judgmental and but i try to not pull them out sometimes i pull out 1 or 2 every few weeks but mostly i just touch them. like a lot. not during school but when i’m home i’m just touching my eyelashes. when i’m stressed i mostly just try to lay down and calm down, close my eyes and just think about the things and people that make me happy such as some of my friends, family and my cats, and my hobbies. (you don’t need to close your eyes if you don’t want to) i try to calm myself down and try not to think about the things i don’t want to think about and i become peaceful and i also drink water and try to take deep breaths in and out or i eat a snack and take a break from my phone i don’t talk to anyone about what i just typed not even my friends or family and not even my cats and i’ve never told anyone why i had trichotillomania and when i told my mom she got mad at me.

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i also have tritch and it's very embarrassing and difficult at times, the thing that has helped me the most is to find other ways to stimulate myself. try doing something else with your hands. for me making art helps a lot because it's really fulfilling, and making friendship bracelets with embroidery thread can kind of give the same pulling sensation. I'm here if you ever need to talk, you arent alone ! I'm sorry so many people have put you down for this when it is a sickness just like any physical illness out there. they just don't understand it and are probably projecting their own insecurities. try to surround yourself with people who care about u and understand you, you deserve to be uplifted!



i grew out of my eyelash pulling but pulling and picking at hair never went away. i dont get why there’s an innate shame in this, like no one said it was weird but people tell themselves that. don’t tell people who don’t deserve to know, you make that decision and never be pressured



This is so relatable for me I just want to hug you. This is like exactly what I went through when it started for me. It was when I was 13. I pulled out all my eyelashes and didn't know what to tell people. But you're doing amazing, I was never able to get them back! Feel free to message me and we can be friends. I hate when people drew attention to it, and I hated that I felt so embarrassed all the time. I'm sorry your mom didn't respond well when you tried to confide in her. People just don't understand, and it's impossible to explain. Reach out if you ever want to talk! Also I'd recommend trying probiotics. It helped reduce the impulse to pull my hair. It also made my nail biting completely go away, and I've always bit my nails.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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