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Updated 11mo ago

Finding Relief Through Pelvic Floor Therapy

I want to encourage anyone out there reading this that there are some resources out there to get assistance for this condition to make things more tolerable. My pain was so excruciating that I couldnt insert a tampon, but now I wear tampons and got pregnant and have a 1.5 year old now! Things will never be normal, but its possible for things to improve slightly, find numbing agents, and find assistance with mentally handling this prpblem with pelvic floor therapy. If pelvic floor therapy scares you, please dont let that deter you from seeking help with this. my therapist was highly skilled in helping people like me and helped me greatly. Im glad I took the plunge and did it, despite being so afraid. I use 2.5% lidocaine/prilocaine, and a 5% lidocaine cream/ointment TOGETHER and wait 20 minutes for those to take maximum effect. Helped me greatly.

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I'll add that Ive had this condition my whole life, but wasnt diagnosed until I was already married for 3 years and was 31 years old. Intercourse was impossible. Dead serious. Impossible. Imagine how difficult this was for our marriage... I was diagnosed by a urologist in 2019 after I was referred by a gynocologist that finally took my pain seriously. I went to a year of pelvic floor therapy and things have improved just enough to be intimate, although it is still not without some difficulty, even with numbing agents. Not a lot of people will discuss this openly, but I dont care. If you need help, you need to know what helped me!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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