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Updated 10mo ago

Looking for someone to connect with about mental health

Hello, Hoping to find someone who can relate! 😊

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I have diabetic gastroparesis and extreme anxiety that I am going to eat wrong and cause myself to get sick. I don’t know what your symptoms are but I might understand.



Hey Carebear! I don’t think my gastroparesis is a diabetic one. But I feel everyone’s pain here as I have been suffering for many years - alone. Family does not understand this problem. Do you happen to have a bad breath and coated tongue? If so, what has work for you? What calms your symptoms? What kind of foods or liquids? I found it helpful to drink hot tea in the morning “Bigelow benefits Ginger and Peach” herbal tea for those who love a calm stomach everyday



I have been taking Reglan as needed. I haven’t really found much that calms my symptoms. Sticking with protein shakes, yogurts, applesauce and one meal a day has helped me some. I also drink hot tea. I need to try that one. I have not paid attention to my tongue but I will. My family also does not understand. They get angry and worried when I have a flare up. They feel like I don’t take care of myself. But my diabetes is under control and I try my best not to flare my gastroparesis. But as you know it is not easy.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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