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Updated 10mo ago

Do Psychologists Keep Your Diagnosis Secret?

Whenever I have gone to like a psychologist or anything they never tell me I’m being diagnosed with something. Does that happen to others? Like we talk about my anxiety and I have meds for it, they have also mentioned panic in conversations, and mentioned something sounded like a symptom of PTSD etc. but I have no idea what is actually officially on record diagnosed. I find that weird. Does that happen to other people or just me lol?

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If you’re curious, not sure if you’ve heard of the DSM5 that’s the diagnostic manual they use to diagnose people, it’s meant for physicians but it clearly labels all the diagnostic criteria for certain disorders, and this is NOT to be used to diagnose yourself, and it is not always correct (which is why it is up to the physician to diagnose) but you might be able to take a peak and maybe get an idea of what might be going on. With that being said, you are always always free to ask questions or say “is that medication necessary if I’m taking X?” Or mention previous the diagnoses (and ask what they’re diagnosing you with!) and ask if maybe these are all symptoms of something else?(very common for depression/anxiety to be a symptom of other things) above all you know your body the best and if something feels off, or you feel like you’ve been given too many meds definitely speak up



You can ask for a physical copy of your medical records.



In my experience, therapists and psychiatrists won’t tell me a specific diagnosis unless knowing about it somehow informs my treatment. But if I ask directly, they tell me.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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