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Updated 11mo ago

Has anyone had spinal stenosis surgery?

Has anybody had surgery for spinal stenosis? If so , did it work? I’m not a fan. :/

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I had surgery for spinal Spondylolisthesis. Not sure if it’s the same procedure. It did stabilize my back but it left my feet numb and legs particularly numb.



Hi, Why, YES! I’ve had (3) triple fusions L4-L5-S1. Yes, u read that right! (3!!) AND additionally had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted in Nov ‘21 *all 4 surgeries were within the course of Covid I believe I had both conditions u & Kish had.+ then some… I was grateful to not have one knee on the ground ( I felt like I was proposing to someone) The pain was excruciating tho. On the 2nd triple spinal fusion, I somehow??? “Broke” a titanium screw? How does that even happen???? I’m upright now, still in some serious pain, but better. And I’m not on one knee anymore. Anyone know how I could have “broken” a titanium screw??😳



I had a microdiscectomy back in 2018. The recovery process was a nightmare but totally worth the surgery once I finally did heal. No pain for years. Unfortunately, I had the same recurring pain come back 2 months ago but this time it is the disc above it. So now I'm waiting to have a laminectomy in a few weeks and I'm terrified. Has anyone on here ever had a laminectomy before???? I feel you. I've had about 9 different surgeries for other issues not related to my back and they are all awful recoveries and seems like it takes longer to wake up from anesthesia and pain is more severe and post infections are common with me. It seems to get harder and harder with each surgery the older I get. And I'm afraid this surgery might make things worse. I'm wondering the same thing.

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