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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Memory Issues Due to PTSD

Hello, I have been noticing that my memory hasn't been all that great lately. I have been told that with PTSD, it can cause memory issues. What can I do to help fix this?

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This isn’t necessarily fixing the problem- but I have memory issues and for sentimental/emotional memories I take a lot of photos. I used to get a lot of shit for not wanting to “live in the moment” but now I’m happy I have the photos. I have photo albums that start in 2008 and go until last year. Also since everything is digital now it’s super easy to have digital photos albums with notes for memories. For non-sentimental, day to day functioning memories I write everything down. I have multiple planners, white boards, apps in my phone. I make sure events are added to my calendar, I set reminder alarms, and I take detailed notes during meetings/ work convos. I still forgot some shit, but it’s really helpful to physically write things down in one place where you can go back and review.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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