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Updated 11mo ago

Considering an ESA for Emotional Support - Any Advice?

Have ya’ll found that ESAs help you? I’m thinking of getting a dog and training it to become an ESA (and take it to school with me.) but I don’t know if it’ll be able to help like I hope. Any advice?

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So unfortunately from my understanding (therapists have explained to me) ESAs don't have the right to go into public settings with you, since they are solely for companionship and well emotional support. However Service Dogs have federal rights. They however need to be trained and prove it infront of a judge (in my state, WA, at least) I have 2 ESAs and 1 Service Dog (who's in training) With Service Dogs you can go the route of training through a facility or home training. As long as they can prove they eligibility it should be fine. But it can be hard.



I should have been specific—not INTO school rather but in my dorms, where ESAs are allowed.

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