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Updated 11mo ago

Managing Chronic Pain and Mental Health Symptoms at Work

on monday I will start my new job after nearly 6 months of not working, primarily because we took in my fiance's dad's girlfriend's cat who didn't exactly at first vibe along side with my other cat, but also because my PTSD symptoms and Endometriosis and Scoliosis, or groovy spine syndrome, has just made doing the simplistic work unbearable. Im in constant pain and personally refuse to even take ibuprofen, or any type of pain killer, most times, only when REALLY bad, (family history of addiction to pain meds) and really am wanting to prove to myself that I can work even with what's going on within myself. i dont know many ways of managing pain or mental health symptoms while working, a lot of the time in the past I've just overworked myself and just made my mental health so much worse and my body feel terrible and i dont want that. Im hoping to be a mother within the next few years and know my potential future child may have these problems and I just want to show them that it's possible to function, even at times when your mind and body doesn't want to. Im open to most everything, cannabis friendly and other natural treatments as well included. thank you. i just hope to grow for my future family and most importantly, my self 🦋💙

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Side note for those wondering: both cats are slowly becoming buds, Harley (F tortoiseshell) is the newer baby and Sir Ramen Noodles (M orange tabby) is just a tad jealous but they boop noses and Noodles has given her kisses ❤️ Harley just likes to chase Noodles but that was bc her old furry buddy, Broady who is just a more tan and chonky looking Noodles, used to chase each other around so that's how she plays, Noodles is starting to learn and they play tag and play tug o war w shoelaces ❤️❤️❤️

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