Posts on Alike for July 2022

  1. When did you start using mobility aids with Ehlers-danlos?
  2. Suspected POTS, Normal Blood Pressure: What's Next?
  3. When were you diagnosed with Bipolar?
  4. Struggling to maintain TSH levels
  5. UTI or Something Else? Help!
  6. Feeling Lonely with Depression: Any Suggestions?
  7. Looking for Support with EoE Treatments and Life
  8. Dealing with Grief: Is Being Numb Normal?
  9. How did your trichotillomania start?
  10. Skipping ADHD Meds on Weekends - Is it Worth It?
  11. Feeling Good One Moment, Then Everything Crashes Down
  12. Using a Cane for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
  13. Can Fitness Trackers Help Manage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
  14. Can You Have Both CRPS and Fibromyalgia?
  15. Navigating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  16. Best Specialist for PCOS Treatment?
  17. Teaching with Multiple Sclerosis: Any Advice?
  18. Looking for advice on POTS diagnosis and specialists
  19. Ice Cold Leg - Medical Advice Needed
  20. Experiencing Brain Fog and Switching - Need Advice
  21. Alternative Treatments for Asthma?
  22. Nerve Damage After Spinal Fusion: Seeking Advice
  23. Share Your Delusions
  24. Feeling Sick After Taking Medication
  25. Dealing with Anxiety While Driving
  26. Mobility after Lumbar Stenosis Surgery
  27. Tips for Managing Chronic Pain and Daily Tasks
  28. Dealing with Facial Hair and Ingrown Hairs
  29. Alternative ways to manage A.D.D.
  30. Finding Balance with Chronic Pain and Fibro
  31. Is Depression a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis?
  32. How to Manage Anxiety and Stress
  33. Dealing with Nausea: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  34. Papillary Thyroid Cancer and Lymph Nodes
  35. Struggling to Recognize Emotions: Seeking Advice
  36. Desperately Seeking Psoriasis Solution
  37. How to talk to your doctor about Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  38. Need help getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome
  39. Looking for Support and Advice from Others with Similar Conditions
  40. Struggling with Poor Diet and Fatigue
  41. Struggling to Catch My Breath
  42. Looking for Advice on Medications for Bipolar Type 2
  43. Chronic Pain and Fatigue: Is It Normal to Feel Tired All the Time?
  44. Giving Up Caffeine: Anyone Else Struggling?
  45. Dealing with Migraines: What's Your First Move?
  46. Struggling to Accept My Type One Diabetes Diagnosis
  47. Recommendations for online therapy?
  48. Managing COPD: Tips for Staying Healthy
  49. Combating PMDD Symptoms with Antidepressants and Birth Control
  50. Unbearable Chronic Pain in Elbow and Hip
  51. Tips for Losing Weight with PCOS
  52. Undiagnosed Symptoms and Normal BPM Rate
  53. Endometriosis: Heavy Bleeding vs Painful Periods
  54. Should I seek alternative help for my undiagnosed mental illness?
  55. Seeking Answers for Infected Sore on Right Breast
  56. Stuck in a Cycle of PT and Meds, Possible EDs
  57. Dealing with Trichotillomania and Dermatillomania
  58. Constant Nausea Keeping Me Up at Night
  59. Struggling with IBS: Need Help!
  60. Trying Marijuana While on Prozac: Is it Safe?
  61. Struggling with ADHD Symptoms and Misdiagnosis
  62. Struggling to Make Friends with Depression and Anxiety
  63. Dealing with Tactile Hallucinations
  64. Dealing with Stress and Anxiety
  65. Itchy hands and feet - any advice?
  66. Dealing with Nonstop Heartburn: Tips and Tricks
  67. Help with POTS Diagnosis and College Prep
  68. Struggling with Summer Heat and Health
  69. Feeling out of breath with GERD: is it normal?
  70. Struggling to Wake Up in the Morning
  71. Big Emotional Outbursts: Normal or Not?
  72. Alcohol Tolerance and POTS: Is There a Connection?
  73. Lexapro and Weight Gain: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  74. Considering Double Mastectomy Due to BRCA1 Gene
  75. Seeking Advice for Back Issues and Stenosis
  76. Help with POTS Symptoms
  77. Struggling with PCOS and Trying to Conceive
  78. Dealing with SSRI Side Effects
  79. Finding Friends with Mental Health Issues and Alcoholism
  80. Summer and POTS: Anyone Else Struggling?
  81. Long-term COVID Symptoms: Any Hope for Improvement?
  82. Dietary changes for POTS symptoms
  83. Tips for Exercising with Hypermobile Joints and Fatigue
  84. Looking for advice on Accutane and other acne treatments
  85. Feeling Empty Around Friends: Seeking Advice
  86. Dealing with Emotional Outbursts in Relationships
  87. Getting Permanent Birth Control: A Relief and a Challenge
  88. Gaining Water Weight After Starting Hypothyroidism Medication
  89. Need help managing POTS symptoms
  90. How to End a Panic Attack: Tips and Tricks
  91. Panic Attack While Driving: What Should I Do?
  92. Finding a Reliable Therapist for Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  93. Chronic Left Leg Pain and Stiffness
  94. Need tips for going gluten-free
  95. Preventing Seizures: Is it Possible?
  96. Tips for a More Comfortable CT Scan with Contrast Stuff
  97. Effective Zoloft dosage for OCD?
  98. Living Through My Friend: Coping with Disability
  99. Menstruating on Continuous Birth Control
  100. Need help with easing my excruciating migraines
  101. Suspecting Ankylosing Spondylitis: Seeking Advice
  102. Muscle Pain and Fibromyalgia: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  103. Trazodone making me feel exhausted
  104. Dealing with IBS and Anxiety: Can Caffeine be a Trigger?
  105. Possible Stroke from Adderall?
  106. Lexapro Side Effects: Anxiety and Inability to Cry
  107. Coping with Anxiety: Natural Remedies vs Medication
  108. Struggling with Narcolepsy: Need Advice
  109. Sharp rib pain after scoliosis surgery hardware removal
  110. Coping with Depression: Tips and Advice
  111. White spot on finger, should I be concerned?
  112. Suboxone Withdrawal - Does Anyone Else Not Experience Severe Withdrawals?
  113. Managing Endometriosis Pain: Seeking Advice
  114. Coping with Seizure-Related Embarrassment
  115. Concerns about possible DID
  116. New to the group, struggling with RA
  117. Dealing with Trich: Coping Strategies
  118. Link between PCOS and Birth Control?
  119. Struggling to Drive with Cognitive Issues: How Do You Manage?
  120. Sudden Chest Pain and Headache - Migraine Related?
  121. My Journey with ADHD: From Misunderstood Teen to Self-Improvement
  122. Struggling with Weight Loss and Anxiety
  123. Should I Get Reassessed for ADHD?
  124. Anxiety and High Blood Pressure: Anyone Else?
  125. Struggling with Sleep Anxiety
  126. Struggling with eating habits, need advice
  127. Dealing with Heart Palpitations for 14 Years
  128. Struggling with Brain Fog and Exhaustion
  129. Dealing with Exhaustion and Irritability
  130. Chest Pains and Anxiety: Anyone Else?
  131. Tips for managing hair pulling and regrowing hair?
  132. Struggling with Negative Thoughts
  133. Navigating My Mental Health Journey
  134. Finding Coping Mechanisms for Bipolar Episodes
  135. Need advice on endometriosis treatment options
  136. Positive Coping Techniques for Anxiety
  137. New to weight loss journey, seeking motivation and support
  138. Do I Need Help for Complex PTSD?
  139. Struggling with Blood Sugar Control During Illness
  140. Experiencing Episodes of Confusion and Blurriness
  141. My Bones Hurt: What Could Be the Cause?
  142. My 4 Year Medical Struggle
  143. Dealing with Health Issues: Hormone Imbalance, Kidney Stones, and Migraines
  144. Exploring Mental Health Diagnosis Options
  145. Why Can't I Cry? Feeling Pain and Sadness Without Tears
  146. New member seeking advice on chronic pain and dizziness
  147. Dealing with Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  148. Occipital Lymph Node Swelling After COVID Booster Shot
  149. Dealing with Folliculitis: Any Advice?
  150. 30 Years of Living with RA: My Strategies for Pain Management
  151. Doubting my diagnosis before starting DBT therapy
  152. Dealing with Chest Pain from Panic Disorder
  153. ADHD Medication Side Effects: Share Your Experience
  154. Looking for a Friend
  155. Looking for Alternative Therapy Options
  156. Dealing with Chronic Low Back Pain for 15 Years
  157. Experiencing Strange Symptoms and Seeking Advice
  158. What is it like to have Schizophrenia?
  159. Borderline Personality Disorder vs Bipolar Depression: How to Tell the Differenc…
  160. Need advice on taking propranolol for migraine prevention and anxiety reduction
  161. Struggling with Getting Diagnosed with ASD
  162. Struggling to Breathe: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  163. Looking for Friends to Help Me Through Grief and Illness
  164. Celebrating a small victory in my PTSD recovery
  165. Struggling with the 4th of July Away from Family
  166. Struggling with Emotional Regulation in a New Environment
  167. Regurgitating Water After Taking Pills
  168. Numbness in Leg and Skin Sensitivity - Seeking Advice
  169. Seeking advice on getting an ASD diagnosis
  170. Struggling with ADHD and Making Friends
  171. Chest Pain and Anxiety: Is it a Heart Issue?
  172. Need Help with Healthy Weight Loss
  173. Struggling with Insomnia: Anyone Else?
  174. Dealing with Anxiety in Social Situations
  175. Dealing with Loneliness: Any Advice?
  176. Am I Hypomanic or Just Happy?
  177. Finding the Right Medication: How Many Did You Try?
  178. Struggling with Obesity and Chronic Illness
  179. Which Doctor Should I See for Genetic Mutation?
  180. Dealing with Stomach Issues: Should I See a Gastroenterologist or My Geneticist?
  181. Sharp Back Pain - Need Advice
  182. First Eye Injection for Retinopathy Study
  183. What do seizures feel like? Need help identifying mine.
  184. Random Panic Attacks: What's Going On?
  185. High Cholesterol, Low Blood Pressure: Worried About Statin Side Effects
  186. Melatonin causing exhaustion?
  187. How to Stay Motivated for Weight Loss?
  188. Dealing with Mild Chest Pain: Any Suggestions?
  189. Dealing with Knee Pain Without Replacement Surgery
  190. Missing a Dose: How Bad Can It Be?
  191. Excessive Sleepiness on Sertraline
  192. Managing Depression: Coping with Solitude and Sadness
  193. Looking for ADHD Medication Advice
  194. New Here! Struggling with PCOS and Food Addiction
  195. Dealing with Mental Health Stigma in the Family
  196. Describing Fibromyalgia Pain to Non-Sufferers
  197. Managing Crohn's Disease with Humira Pen and Low Fat Diet
  198. Dealing with Social Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  199. Genetic and Nutritional Factors in Depression
  200. Best Medications for Depression and Anxiety?
  201. Struggling to Find a Job with Depression
  202. Migraines with Stroke Symptoms
  203. Do I Have BPD? Seeking Advice
  204. Switching Medications: Need Advice
  205. New to DID, looking for advice and experiences
  206. Anxiety or Phobia? How to Tell the Difference
  207. Homebound with Agoraphobia and BPD: Seeking Support
  208. Struggling to Remember Things with Depression
  209. New to Chronic Pain Community, Seeking Alternative Ideas for Left Side/Flank Pai…
  210. Existential Anxiety: Feeling Anxious About Existing
  211. Coping with Huntingtons Disease: Tips and Advice
  212. Dealing with Relationship OCD: Need Advice
  213. Tips for Pain Relief with Stage 4 Endo
  214. How to explain my depression and anxiety to my husband?
  215. How to Manage Tics in Public?
  216. Dealing with a herniated disc in my lower spine
  217. Pregnant with DVT and Running a Farm
  218. Living with Degenerative Disc Disease: Treatment Options
  219. Struggling with Depression After Losing My Husband
  220. Crying Spells with Specific Triggers
  221. Feeling Disconnected: Dealing with Dissociation at Work
  222. Seeking advice on Hidradenitis Supperativa
  223. Struggling with Body Image and Anxiety
  224. Do Others Struggle with Autonomic Dysfunction?
  225. Struggling with OCD and Social Events
  226. Coping with Hair Pulling Behavior
  227. Coping with Chronic Illness: How to Live Your Best Life
  228. Struggling to Make Friends Due to Social Anxiety
  229. Migraine with aura and post-headache fatigue
  230. Severe Hand Pain and Weakness - Need Advice
  231. Living with Dysautonomia in a Hot Climate
  232. Stopping Meds for Mental Health: Struggling Again
  233. Possible POTS Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  234. Can't Sleep and Feeling Sick
  235. Questions about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Symptoms
  236. Anxiety causing chest tightness and panic attacks
  237. Dealing with Bad Body Odor
  238. Struggling with Anxiety and Wellbutrin
  239. Trying to Overcome My Anxiety and Surprise My Husband
  240. Struggling with a Split Personality
  241. Just diagnosed with Hashimotos, looking for support
  242. Managing Medical Conditions: Seeking Advice and Advocating for Yourself
  243. Living with Stress Seizures: My Story
  244. Struggling with Memory Loss and ADHD
  245. Need Help Understanding PCOS Diagnosis
  246. Do you over-analyze your behavior as an autistic person?
  247. Shaky Hands: Anxiety or Nerve Damage?
  248. Navigating Healthcare System Traumatized Me
  249. Coping with Loss: Sleeping in Our Bed Again
  250. Struggling with Productivity and Mental Clarity
  251. Struggling to Afford Hearing Molds for My Hearing Aids
  252. Questioning My Diagnoses: Am I Really Dealing with Multiple Disorders?
  253. Anxiety at Night: Anyone Else?
  254. Managing Severe BPD Symptoms: Tips and Tricks
  255. Dealing with Chronic Pain: To Wheelchair or Not to Wheelchair?
  256. Dealing with Excessive Hair Growth on My Face
  257. New here and looking for health advice
  258. Alternative Treatments for Mental Health?
  259. Struggling to function without ADHD meds
  260. Introducing Myself: Dealing with Depression
  261. Hobbies and Routines for Coping with Depression
  262. Dealing with Anxiety: Looking for Support
  263. Struggling with Mental Health: Seeking Advice
  264. Living with GERD: How Does it Affect Your Daily Life?
  265. Dealing with UC Flares: What to Expect from Your Doctor
  266. Anxious About Being Home Alone
  267. Struggling with Emotional Eating and Weight Gain
  268. Dealing with Anxiety about Mortality and Human Functions
  269. New to Alike, Looking for Support and Friendship
  270. Seeking advice on Abilify for OCD/GAD
  271. Scared of Cimzia injections, need advice
  272. Is Self-Diagnosis of Autism Valid?
  273. How to Stay Motivated for Exercise with Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia
  274. Seeking Support After First Dara Infusion
  275. Random Bursts of Energy with ADHD
  276. Dealing with Lupus Diagnosis and Loss of Support System
  277. Struggling with BPD and Making Friends in High School
  278. Experiencing Famotidine Side Effects - Need Advice
  279. Side effects from Latuda?
  280. Recommendations for Online Therapy Apps?
  281. Should ADHD be renamed?
  282. Dealing with Negative Self-Talk: Creating Multiple Voices in My Head
  283. Experiencing Paranoia on Gabapentin
  284. Struggling with Depression and Medical Care
  285. Dealing with Constipation and Medication Side Effects
  286. Blood Glucose Check-In: How's Your Diabetes Management Going?
  287. Dealing with ADHD without medication
  288. Finding Hope for Chronic Illness
  289. Dizziness, Disorientation, and Sweating: Non-Epileptic Seizures or POTS?
  290. Struggling with ADHD in School
  291. Help! My Parents Don't Understand My ADHD
  292. Dealing with Neuropathy Pain as a Type 1 Diabetic
  293. Help with Writing a Character with D.I.D
  294. Struggling with Mental Health: Looking for Support
  295. Struggling with Exercise Motivation
  296. Feeling overwhelmed with ADHD
  297. Dealing with a Rebellious Headmate
  298. Dealing with Heat Intolerance with Twin Toddlers
  299. Concerns about PCOS Symptoms as a Transgender Male
  300. Red Heads and Pain Management: Missing Liver Enzyme?
  301. Dealing with Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  302. Tips for Managing Anxiety
  303. Weed and Mental Health: A Personal Experience
  304. Tips for Faster Migraine Relief?
  305. Introducing Myself: Living with Multiple Chronic Illnesses
  306. Do You Experience Fatigue with Anxiety Symptoms?
  307. Constant Back Pain After Spinal Fusion Surgery
  308. Dealing with Panic Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  309. Dealing with Emetophobia and Constant Nausea
  310. Need advice on medication for thyroid issues
  311. Advice on Slowing Down Substance Abuse?
  312. Need tips for dealing with TMJ diagnosis
  313. Collapsed at work due to POTS
  314. Struggling with Mental Illness Diagnosis
  315. Dealing with Loneliness in a World That Doesn't Understand
  316. Left Side Pain and Mucus in Stool
  317. New to the app, seeking advice on personality disorder
  318. Mood Stabilizers and Relationships: Going Slow
  319. Chapped Lips on Zoloft: Is it a Side Effect?
  320. Managing Mental Health with Overwhelming Physical Health
  321. Tips for Treating Chemical Burns from Old Spice Deodorant
  322. Looking for Others Who Feel Disconnected from Life
  323. Struggling with Constipation, Anxiety, and Possible Autism
  324. Always Tired, Need Advice
  325. Struggling with Self-Diagnosis of ASD
  326. Dealing with Panic Attacks at Work
  327. What to do with empty prescription bottles?
  328. Is My Chest Pain Related to My Heart?
  329. Looking for advice on getting a wheelchair for my fibromyalgia
  330. Trying to Conceive with Endo: Any Advice?
  331. Do Others Experience Breathing Difficulties?
  332. Do I have ADHD, Autism or both?
  333. Looking for someone with a high sex drive to talk to
  334. Going off my meds: A daunting task
  335. Failed Spinal Fusion Surgery: Has Anyone Experienced It?
  336. Dealing with Depression and Dieting: Is it a Bad Idea?
  337. New to the App and Seeking Support for Chronic Illnesses
  338. Looking for Fast-Acting Anxiety Medication
  339. Managing Diabetes with an Insulin Pump and CGM
  340. Help! I Have a Quarter Sized Itchy Red Area on My Ankle
  341. Dealing with Fibromyalgia Chest Pains
  342. POTS and Seizures: Anyone Else?
  343. Seeking Health Support in My 50s
  344. Feeling lost and depressed, hoping to connect with others
  345. Struggling with Postpartum Depression and BPD
  346. Sudden Heat and Chill Sensation - Seeking Advice
  347. Life with an Eating Disorder: Struggles and Progress
  348. Concerned about Low Blood Platelets
  349. Help with Stress, Fear, Impatience and Doubt
  350. Looking for Support and Connection with Fellow PTSD Sufferers
  351. Can Hormones Change My Sexuality?
  352. Struggling with Depression and Anxiety
  353. Join me on my health journey!
  354. Fitbit Heart Rate Tracking: Is it Worth It?
  355. Difficulty breathing with Churg Strauss
  356. Dealing with Endo Flare Pain
  357. Newly Diagnosed with POTS: Seeking Advice
  358. Looking for understanding friends
  359. Struggling with Medication
  360. Scared to take my ADHD meds
  361. Effective Ways to Overcome Anxiety for Good
  362. Discovering My Bipolar Symptoms
  363. Dealing with Diarrhea in Gastroparesis
  364. Worried about my depression coming back
  365. Not Feeling Dysphoric While Presenting as FTM
  366. Looking for caffeine alternatives
  367. Share your Fibromyalgia experience
  368. Struggling with Fibromyalgia Pain: Need Suggestions
  369. Recommendations for Books on Living with Chronic Illness
  370. Feeling like everything is about me with BPD
  371. How to Calm Down When Anxiety Strikes: Tips and Tricks
  372. Managing ADHD Medication Side Effects
  373. Learning Spanish with Auditory Processing Disorder
  374. Coping with Chronic Migraines
  375. Excited for My Cardiology Appointment and New Job!
  376. Finding Joy in the Little Moments
  377. 10 years on Klonopin, 7 months off, and my mouth still hurts
  378. Dealing with the Stigma of OCD Diagnosis
  379. First Colonoscopy: What to Expect?
  380. Struggling with Medication Anxiety
  381. Armour Thyroid Side Effects: Sensitivity to Heat and Dizziness
  382. Managing Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice and Support
  383. Seeking Advice on DCIS Stage 0 Grade 2 Diagnosis
  384. Struggling to Remember Medications?
  385. Struggling with ADHD and Keeping a Clean Living Space
  386. Covid and Extreme Pain: Has Anyone Experienced This?
  387. Coping with Agoraphobia: Will it ever get easier?
  388. Alternative Ways to Get Iron into My System?
  389. Dealing with Anxiety as a Single Parent of Special Needs Children
  390. Anxiety after pleasure?
  391. Struggling with IBS? Have you been breath tested for SIBO?
  392. Looking for Mental Health Resources
  393. Random Pin Pricks on Arms, Legs and Face
  394. Trazodone for Sleep: Anyone Tried It?
  395. Gallbladder Removal: What to Expect?
  396. Looking for the right AdHD meditation
  397. Switching from Lexapro to Wellbutrin: Need Advice
  398. Looking for GERD treatment success stories with PPIs
  399. Managing Chronic Pain with a Full-Time Job
  400. Update on my Mental Health and Medication
  401. Enbrel injections - how long before they work?
  402. Looking for Support with hEDS
  403. Need help sleeping with GERD
  404. Food getting stuck in my throat due to anxiety?
  405. Dealing with Endo Pain on Day 2 of My Period
  406. Do you have Diabetes insipidus? Let's talk!
  407. Autistic People and Clothing: A Discussion on Sensory Issues
  408. Celebrating Health Progress: What Are You Proud Of?
  409. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Suggestions and Support
  410. Starting Medication: No Life-Changing Effects?
  411. Living with Chronic Illness: My Story
  412. Losing Mobility: A Scary Experience
  413. Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis Pain: Need Advice!
  414. Feeling Hot in a Cold House: Allergy or Something Else?
  415. DNA Testing and Mental Health: Has Anyone Experienced This?
  416. Dealing with Multiple Ailments
  417. Distinguishing Schizophrenia from Reality
  418. Burning Throat While Running
  419. Looking for Buspirone Experiences
  420. Looking for a Chat about BPD, OCD and Autism
  421. Need advice on PTSD accommodations for college classes
  422. Autistic Peeps: What Foods Do You Avoid Due to Texture?
  423. Dealing with Panic Attacks and High Blood Pressure
  424. My Physical Therapy Appointment: A Little Off?
  425. Lowering Levothyroxine Dose: Success Stories?
  426. Antidepressant Experiences: Share Yours!
  427. Losing words on Topamax: anyone else?
  428. Tips for Cleaning with Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD
  429. Correlation between low blood pressure and high blood sugar?
  430. How long did it take for you to get an official diagnosis?
  431. Lost my empathy, am I a robot?
  432. Looking for a Free Therapist
  433. Is Stress Taking a Physical Toll on Your Body?
  434. Do tics affect your balance?
  435. Recommendations for BPD Books?
  436. Looking for Relief from Chronic Pain and Fatigue
  437. Tips for Losing the Last 20 Pounds
  438. Considering Disability for Peripheral Neuropathy
  439. How many ubrevly can I take in a week?
  440. My Grade 4 Hiatal Hernia Experience
  441. Looking for non-sedative anxiety medication
  442. Observing and Logging Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  443. Dealing with Gastroparesis: Seeking Advice
  444. Strategies for Managing Anxiety in the Moment
  445. Heart Palpitations: Seeking Advice
  446. What Tests Can Help Diagnose Endometriosis?
  447. Mixing Wellbutrin and Alcohol: Safe or Not?
  448. Nortriptyline Capsules for Fibromyalgia Pain and Depression
  449. Dealing with Panic Attacks: Seeking Tips and Advice
  450. Depakote Side Effects: What Should I Expect?
  451. Constant Throat Pain for 2 Years - Anyone Else?
  452. Dealing with Chronic Pain: What's Your Go-To Remedy?
  453. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Conditions
  454. Struggling with Citalopram for Anxiety
  455. Feeling Alone in My Symptoms
  456. Living with Traumatic Brain Injury: Isolation and Finding Meaning
  457. Managing Extreme Hormonal Mood Shifts: Seeking Advice
  458. How to Diagnose Muscular Dystrophy with No Prior Data?
  459. Feeling Invalidated by Family After ADHD Diagnosis
  460. Preparing for a Doctor's Appointment: Tips and Suggestions
  461. Random Thoughts of Death and Anxiety
  462. Unwanted Weight Gain from Medications
  463. Skipping Bactrim dose for UTI treatment
  464. Confused about ADHD diagnosis
  465. Dealing with Obsessive Thoughts: Seeking Tips and Ideas
  466. Propranolol users, what are your experiences?
  467. Advice for quitting vaping before top surgery?
  468. Tips for Moving with Fibro, POTS and EDS
  469. Realizing My Struggle with Mental Illness
  470. Birth Control Not Working, Surgery Needed?
  471. Struggling with motivation at home
  472. Share your journey with PAN/PANDAS diagnosis
  473. Struggling with Consistent Eating Habits When Cooking for Yourself
  474. Need advice on skin cysts
  475. Increasing Trazodone dosage for sleep?
  476. How to Battle Fatigue: Tips and Tricks
  477. Struggling with Motivation and Sleep
  478. Botox for Migraines: Experiences and Advice Needed
  479. How often should I test my glucose as a newly diagnosed type 2?
  480. Invega Sustenna: Share Your Experience with This Medication
  481. Weird Side Effects to Medicines - Anyone Else?
  482. Recovering from Shoulder Surgery: Seeking Support
  483. Significant Weight Loss Due to Mental Health
  484. Seeking Advice for Pain Relief with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain
  485. Debilitating Foot Pain: Seeking Help
  486. Feeling Exhausted and Weighed Down by Fatigue
  487. Mental Changes on Birth Control: What to Expect?
  488. Need advice on getting Xyrem for type 2 narcolepsy
  489. Waiting for Buspar to work, any tips?
  490. Trying to Convince My Parents to Let Me Try CBD Oil for ADHD and Autism
  491. Dealing with Anxiety After a Long-Term Relationship Ends
  492. Navigating Disability Identity: My Experience with ADHD and OCD
  493. Advice on pre-medication RA treatments while still in the diagnostic process?
  494. Withdrawals from Duloxetine
  495. Personal Experience with Post Impairment Syndrome
  496. Unexplained Pains and Infections: Seeking Advice
  497. Looking for support after Cushings surgery
  498. Dealing with a Self-Diagnosis of Autism
  499. Can CPTSD Cause Loss of Interest and Joy?
  500. Post-Surgery Cravings: When Can I Eat What I Want?
  501. Shoutout to the Nausea Gang in GERD Section
  502. Dealing with Chronic Leg Pain for Years
  503. Newly Diagnosed T1 Diabetic and Regular Marijuana Smoker
  504. Positive COVID Test with Lupus: Tips Needed
  505. Dealing with Spontaneous Plans and Anxiety
  506. Question about Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder
  507. Prozac for CPTSD: Does it work?
  508. Do I Have Tourette Syndrome?
  509. Struggling with Constipation: Need Advice
  510. Generic vs Synthroid for Hypothyroidism Treatment
  511. Frequent Episodes of Overheating and Lightheadedness at Work
  512. Has anyone had cardiac ablation for A Fib?
  513. How to know if anti-depressants are working?
  514. Asking About Diagnosis
  515. Recently diagnosed with IIH, unsure of what to expect
  516. Struggling with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  517. Taking Mirtazapine for Anxiety: What Else Can I Take?
  518. Dealing with Sensory Overload: Any Tips?
  519. Struggling with Diabetes Insipidus: Medications and Sodium Levels
  520. Dealing with Stomach Issues and Heavy Periods
  521. Need Help with Asthma-Related Sleep Issues
  522. Feeling Dizzy When Standing Up - Is This Normal?
  523. Managing Symptoms During Heat Wave
  524. Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - Experiencing Terrible Flare Up
  525. Life after EMDR therapy: What to expect?
  526. How to convince my family I don't need therapy?
  527. Dealing with Chronic Back Pain After Having Children and Starting a Physical Job
  528. Uncomfortable Muscle Relaxation: Tips Needed
  529. Can I Walk Again After Being in a Wheelchair for 6 Years?
  530. At Home Remedies for Asthmatic Bronchitis and Asthma
  531. Feeling Numb and Exhausted: Taking a Break from Everything
  532. Dealing with Sensory Overload due to ADHD
  533. Discovering My Autism at 18
  534. Dealing with GAD and Physical Symptoms
  535. How to Deal with Negative Emotions
  536. Should I Get Tested for ADHD?
  537. Considering an All Carnivore Diet for My Mental Health
  538. Dealing with Anxiety and Avoidance: Am I Being Cowardly?
  539. Changes in Menstruation Symptoms
  540. Newly Diagnosed with Bipolar 2, Seeking Advice
  541. Struggling with Motivation and Weight Loss
  542. Managing Weight Gain While on Remicade
  543. Dealing with Uterine Fibroids and Divorce
  544. Looking for an OCD specialist therapist
  545. Chest Pain After Drinking: Any Quick Remedies?
  546. Advice on Pursuing Disability Benefits for Chronic Pain at a Young Age
  547. Navigating the Unknown: My Medical Journey
  548. Need advice on knee surgery for both knees
  549. Struggling with Acne and Rosacea After 20+ Years
  550. Dealing with COVID-19 and Pneumonia
  551. Do I Have OCD? Need Input
  552. Struggling with my lazy eye and social interactions
  553. Feeling Mentally Unstable and Anxious About Starting a Family
  554. Celebrating Artistic Success Despite Physical Pain
  555. Indifference towards life
  556. Struggling with Trichotillomania: Seeking Advice
  557. Dealing with Friendship Anxiety: How to Cope
  558. Dealing with Pseudoseizures: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  559. Considering Moving to LA for My Mental Health
  560. Lost without a therapist, seeking affordable options
  561. Dealing with Uncontrollable Anger Outbreaks
  562. Mirroring Side Effects of Gabapentin: My Experience
  563. Dealing with Daily Migraines: Medication Experiences
  564. Introduction and Warning about Modafinil
  565. Chronic Itching and Neuropathy: Seeking Advice
  566. Sudden Anxiety Attacks: What's Happening to Me?
  567. Sudden Menstrual Symptoms: Dizziness, Nausea, and Fatigue
  568. Struggling with Relationships Due to Mental Health Diagnoses
  569. Effexor dosage increase - anyone notice a big improvement?
  570. Managing Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  571. Struggling with Asthma: My Recent Diagnosis and Hospital Visits
  572. Shame in Raising Antidepressant Dosage
  573. Struggling with Healthy Eating Habits
  574. Dealing with Gastroparesis and Dental Issues
  575. Need Job Recommendations for Severe Social Anxiety
  576. New here, seeking support for mental health struggles
  577. Lexapro: My Experience and Thoughts
  578. Vaccination Anxiety: Feeling Alone and Guilty
  579. Dealing with ADHD Side Effects: Tips and Tricks
  580. Living with Multiple Sclerosis: My Experience at 24
  581. Recognizing When It's Getting Bad Again
  582. Looking for advice on Amantadine for MS fatigue
  583. Why do I make random noise?
  584. How to let go of control with OCD?
  585. Struggling with Chronic Pain: Seeking Advice
  586. Looking for Others with a Rare Disease
  587. Tools for Chronic Illness Management
  588. Paranoid Delusions in Bipolar Disorder
  589. Struggling to Fall Asleep? Here are Some Tips!
  590. How to differentiate between mania and happiness?
  591. Just diagnosed with Endometriosis, seeking advice on recovery
  592. Feeling the Cloudiness Creep Back
  593. Interacting with Head Mates/Alters/Parts
  594. Struggling with Antidepressant Withdrawal and Finding a New Medication
  595. New here and struggling with IIH symptoms
  596. Smoking Cannabis for Anxiety: Does it Help or Worsen?
  597. Getting Married and Going to Hawaii!
  598. Struggling to Find a Therapist for My Anxiety
  599. Tips for Getting Doctors to Listen About Mobility Aids
  600. Looking for Encouragement and Motivation to Lose Weight
  601. Need Help Understanding My Bipolar Episode
  602. Seeking Advice on Possible Autism Diagnosis
  603. Looking for Advice on Migraine Injections
  604. Looking for advice on coping with BPD
  605. Coping with Racing Thoughts and Paranoia
  606. Managing CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia: Seeking Advice
  607. Irregular Periods and Abdominal Pain
  608. Living with MS: My Journey to Stronger Legs
  609. Connecting with other Type 1 Diabetics
  610. Concerns about Long-Term Use of Anxiety Medication
  611. Coping with Depression and Anxiety
  612. Looking for Homeopathic Remedies for Severe Fatigue and Pain
  613. Has anyone been treated by Mayo Clinic for dysautonomia?
  614. Struggling with Depression: Seeking Help and Ideas
  615. How to communicate with a lower functioning autistic adult?
  616. Abnormal ANA Blood Test Results - Seeking Advice
  617. New to the App, Hoping for Support
  618. Managing Diabetes: My Journey So Far
  619. What's your POTS shower routine?
  620. Anxiety around gynecologist visits
  621. Looking for advice on OCD medication
  622. Overcoming Anxiety at the Store: Tips and Tricks
  623. Looking for Weight Loss Advice
  624. Nausea During Panic Attacks: Anyone Else?
  625. Difficulty with IV insertion and panic attacks
  626. Dealing with Anxiety: Need Advice on Medication
  627. Managing Anxiety When Alone: Tips and Tricks
  628. Staying Positive with Psoriasis: Tips and Tricks
  629. Exercising with RA: Help or Hell?
  630. Has anyone had success with Vistaril for anxiety?
  631. Hair pulling and coarser hair growth
  632. Dealing with Numbness, Tingling, Swelling and Pain in Arms
  633. Experiencing Dizziness When Standing Up
  634. Looking for experiences with Risperidone
  635. Tips for Living with ADHD in School
  636. Looking for Fibromyalgia Medication Recommendations
  637. Overcoming Depression: Is it Possible?
  638. Struggling with Exposure Therapy: When Does it Get Better?
  639. Forgetting things about yourself
  640. Dealing with Gastroparesis Flare-ups
  641. Question about Functional Nuerological Disorder and Tourette's
  642. Struggling with Brain Fog During Doctor's Appointments
  643. Looking for Support: Depression and Anxiety
  644. Dealing with Palpitations and Anxiety
  645. Dealing with PCOS Fatigue: Any Supplement Suggestions?
  646. Dealing with Shop Addiction and Depression
  647. Seeking Support for IBS-C
  648. Finding Support for Bipolar Disorder and Anxiety
  649. Newly Diagnosed with Lupus and Fibromyalgia
  650. Struggling to Find Work with Chronic Illness
  651. Diagnosed with Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, Need Advice
  652. Share Your Experience with Urinary Incontinence
  653. Struggling to Keep a Job with BPD: Any Tips?
  654. Depression episodes that don't feel like mine
  655. Seeking Advice for Physical Symptoms and Depression/Anxiety
  656. Dealing with Paranoia in Social Situations
  657. Dealing with Guilt After Eating: Tips and Tricks
  658. Living with Schizoaffective Disorder: An Introduction
  659. Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Seeking Support and Advice
  660. Struggling with a Dairy-Free Diet
  661. Looking for Mental Health Advice
  662. Painful Sensor Insertion for Freestyle Lite 2
  663. Managing Depression in Everyday Life
  664. How's everyone doing today?
  665. Coping with Gender Dysphoria: Seeking Advice
  666. Lost in my own room
  667. Looking for Suggestions to Improve My Liver Health
  668. Feeling Stuck in My Own Body
  669. Recovering from Psychosis: Seeking Advice
  670. Looking for Lupus Diagnosis Stories
  671. Looking for correlation between complex PTSD and body pain
  672. Struggling with Metformin for Diabetes Control
  673. Tips for Facial Hair Growth?
  674. Talking about Medical Issues with Friends and Family
  675. New Wheelchair and Supportive Cat
  676. Allergic to Mosquito Bites: Tips for Relief?
  677. Sudden Fatigue and Sickness
  678. Struggling with Motivation for Weight Loss and Depression
  679. Switching from Sertraline to Prozac: Experiences?
  680. COVID and Fibromyalgia: Exasperating Pain?
  681. Severe constipation for 2 weeks, need advice
  682. Gabapentin for Anxiety: Experiences?
  683. Dealing with Foot Pain and Numbness: Seeking Advice
  684. Can ADHD make you too empathetic?
  685. Menopause Symptoms: Odd Feeling in My Gut
  686. Why isn't BPD talked about enough?
  687. Looking for Support with Crying Attacks
  688. How to Identify ADHD Symptoms
  689. Questioning My Gastroparesis Diagnosis
  690. Visiting Spirits in Schizo-Affective Disorder
  691. Cereal and Blood Sugar: What's Going On?
  692. Getting Surgery Soon: Worried About Nicotine Use
  693. Struggling with Hypothyroidism Medication
  694. Paranoia and Anxiety: How to Stop Them from Mixing
  695. Barefoot or Socks: A Sensory Struggle for Autistic People
  696. Need help with dressing difficult HS areas
  697. Severe Anxiety and Panic Attacks After a Car Accident
  698. Is Age Regression Linked to Depression?
  699. Struggling with Adderall Effectiveness
  700. Post COVID Symptoms: Headaches and Dizziness
  701. Fibromyalgia Flare-Up After Covid Diagnosis
  702. Getting Over Anxiety Without Medication: Is It Possible?
  703. Dealing with POTS and Digestive Issues
  704. New Job Overwhelming Me, Need Advice
  705. Dealing with Emotional Numbness
  706. Dealing with Health Anxiety and OCD
  707. Dealing with Physical Anxiety Symptoms
  708. Starting Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
  709. Feeling Overwhelmed: Dealing with Big Emotions
  710. Possible Emphysema Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  711. GERD Symptoms: Chest and Arm Pains?
  712. Looking for Support with Ectopic Heart Beats and Anxiety
  713. Looking for insight on focal epilepsy symptoms
  714. Questions about living with mild autism
  715. Should I Get Tested for Autism?
  716. Worrying About Being Judged for Mental Illness
  717. Dealing with a Manic Episode: Coping Strategies Needed
  718. Coping with Medical Issues: Tips and Tricks
  719. Celebrating Small Victories in My Battle with Depression
  720. Introduction and Battle with Depression and Anxiety
  721. Irregular Heart Rate After Doctor's Appointment
  722. Considering Breast Reconstruction Options During Chemo
  723. Trying out a new health app
  724. Pain while performing certain tasks
  725. Overcoming Anorexia: My Journey to Recovery
  726. Finally got my ADHD diagnosis
  727. New to Alike and looking for PCOS support
  728. Struggling with Sleep: Seeking Holistic Approaches
  729. Should I disclose my autism diagnosis to my school?
  730. Living with Fibromyalgia: My Story
  731. Daily Struggles with Hypothyroidism
  732. Feeling Detached from Reality
  733. Scared to Ask About Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
  734. Anyone else have a strange sleep cycle?
  735. Looking for Advice on Cymbalta for Chronic Pain
  736. Struggling with Marijuana Addiction: Need Help!
  737. Living with Hypothyroidism: Daily Struggles
  738. Looking for Help with My Child's Chronic Nausea After COVID-19
  739. Retesting for Autism: Is it Possible to be Undiagnosed?
  740. Possible Autism Symptoms, No Diagnosis: What Should I Do?
  741. Struggling with Burnout as a Mom
  742. Do POTS Patients Get Brain Freeze?
  743. Exploding Head Syndrome: Seeking Advice
  744. Is My Medication Just a Placebo?
  745. Living with Anxiety, Cyclothymia, SPS, ADHD & PMDD
  746. Preparing for a 72 Hour In-Home EEG Monitoring
  747. Dealing with Chronic Nausea: My Story
  748. Abnormal Periods and Cancer Worries
  749. Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  750. Can't Sleep, Need Help!
  751. Fibromyalgia Pain: Does Anyone Else Experience Pain in Their Feet, Legs, Hands, …
  752. Why Don't I Want to Take Medication for Period Cramps?
  753. Dealing with Endo and Adenomyosis
  754. Home remedies for COVID-19 symptoms
  755. Struggling to Evacuate Loose Stool with IBS-D/M
  756. Coping with Autism Level 2 in Relationships
  757. Frequent Episodes of Passing Out - Need Help!
  758. Need advice on getting tested for ADHD
  759. Hoping My Medication Works for Work
  760. Dealing with Social Anxiety During Covid Pandemic
  761. Dealing with Endometriosis, Constipation, and Anxiety
  762. Looking for advice on getting a BPD diagnosis
  763. Feeling sleepy on Adderall extended release
  764. Struggling with Depression: Need Help Getting Out of Bed
  765. Has anyone tried Macronutrient Ordered eating?
  766. Uribel Saved Me from My Condition
  767. How Long Does It Take to Get Diagnosed?
  768. Strange Head Sensations on New Medication
  769. Dealing with Hypersexuality in Relationships
  770. Managing Depression-Induced Anger in the Workplace
  771. Unprecedented Numbness and Pain in Head
  772. Dealing with Stress-Induced Stomach Problems
  773. Finally Got a Diagnosis for My Chronic Pain
  774. Can't Sleep, Need Help!
  775. Looking for Connection with Others with Similar Physical Differences
  776. Need advice on medication alternatives for moyamoya symptoms
  777. Continuous headache for weeks, need relief!
  778. Ketamine for Migraines and Depression: Experiences?
  779. Prefer Sleeping Over Reality
  780. Just Diagnosed with POTS: Seeking Advice on Propranolol
  781. Fibromyalgia and Unexplained Fevers
  782. Struggling with Sleep After Psychiatric Hospitalization
  783. Has anyone had surgery to correct their hypermobility?
  784. Gross Hematuria - Seeking Advice
  785. Dealing with Anxiety and Stress
  786. Navigating Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and Autism Diagnosis
  787. Struggling with Autism and Romantic Attraction
  788. Fast Heart Rate on Amitriptyline: Need Advice
  789. Guilt-free ways to decline plans without mentioning illness?
  790. Looking for Support with My Condition
  791. Debilitating Chest Pain from Anxiety
  792. Best OTC Meds for Joint Pain Relief?
  793. Am I a Bad Person for Neglecting My Hygiene?
  794. Can't Win for Losing
  795. Choosing a Career in Mental Health with Bipolar Disorder
  796. Feeling self-conscious with my new cane
  797. Struggling to Get Enough Sleep
  798. Struggling with ADHD Symptoms
  799. Worrying About Having Kids with GAD or Depression
  800. Struggling to Conceive: Tips for Hormone Regulation
  801. Experiencing unexplained lightheadedness
  802. Struggling to Let People In
  803. COVID Aftermath: Lingering Symptoms?
  804. Does Vyvanse Increase Hunger?
  805. Questioning My Hashimoto's Diagnosis
  806. Is Masturbation a Natural Response to Sexual Abuse?
  807. Struggling with Anxiety, Depression and Stress
  808. Seeking Connection with Multiple Myeloma Warriors
  809. My Mental Hack for Dealing with Depression
  810. Struggling with Adderall: Hair Loss and Poor Attention
  811. Did antidepressants help you? Seeking advice.
  812. Late ADHD Diagnosis and Starting Medication
  813. Relieving Panic Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  814. Maximum Safe Dose for Lithium Orotate?
  815. Struggling to Exercise with POTS: Any Tips?
  816. Dealing with Health Anxiety and COVID-19 Worries
  817. Struggling with Salt Tablets - Any Alternatives?
  818. Ashwaganda and Hydroxycloraquine: A Bad Mix?
  819. Abilify and Insomnia: Anyone Else?
  820. Gabapentin for Pain Management: Dosage Help Needed
  821. Looking for advice on anxiety medication
  822. Physical Pain in Nightmares: Anyone Else?
  823. Is it possible to have POTS without heart issues?
  824. Suspecting EDS, seeking advice
  825. New to Therapy: Seeking Advice on Sharing Personal Problems
  826. Feeling Limited with Celiac: Missing Out on Food
  827. Struggling to Sleep? Here are Some Tips!
  828. Struggling with Anxiety: Seeking Tips