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Updated 11mo ago

Strange Head Sensations on New Medication

Has anyone who is new to their medications experience a strange feeling in their head? Almost like a spinning feeling or a zap? I stopped taking one of my medications because of this feeling and I wonder if anyone else has felt it.

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Well I feel it more when I dont have my medication but I get like this tracer feeling. Like when I move my body it feels like i can feel each individual movement in slow motion. Like when you look at a drawing and you see those lines showing the movement of the arm or leg or something. That's what it feels like. Its weird. It's frustrating and honestly i dont know how to deal with it. It dizzy so sometimes i just sit down and sit still to wait it out.



^Agreed. I know when I forget to take my meds, I get brain zaps. Lots of info about them online. Perhaps if you’re switching meds it’s the same? But I don’t know why if you’re just starting meds this would be happening. I hope you’re doing okay.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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