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Updated 10mo ago

Lexapro and Weight Gain: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?

hi i’ve been taking lexapro since like may/june 2021 and over the course of a year i have noticed that i have gained weight (around 20 lbs). i initially thought it was due to stress eating or something as i started a new university in august but i have recently heard people who take lexapro can gain weight. has anyone else experienced weight gain? if so, how much weight did you gain? and did you switch your medication and see any difference?? thanks for any help or advice you can give :)

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Yes i gained atleat 20lbs since i started taking it and honestly i ended up stop taking it because it was giving horrible side effect to my implant birth control nexpinon



did you switch to any other meds?



I was initially put on lexapro and it was awful. Definitely gained weight but made me feel even worse. Switched to Prozac and the weight came right off and I’m in such a better place mentally. I will say it did take a few months to get to the right dose but worth it

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