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Updated 10mo ago

Staying Positive with Psoriasis: Tips and Tricks

How do you stay positive when thinking about your psoriasis?

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Please when you figure this out let me know. I hate psoriasis!!



I think about how unique everyone on earth is and how being the same as everyone else is not as fun. I also think about how psoriasis bring attention to my skin in general in the sense were I take better care of my skin than most people.



It’s hard to do but I came to accept it’s not my identify even though I was unwell for along time, making room to invest those emotional dollars I have into other values, projects I have spend time with loved ones do some hobby like art, within the realms that acceptance allows for and attempting to meet people to draw some inspiration while maintaining self compassion to find a shift in energy to be present and find a way forward in myself, maintain a mood journal , write a plan of action goals objectives dreams find a way to take any step forward on them ready myself to receive from the universe find ways to find mentors to give even a 1% guidance (Tony Robbins video - do check it out)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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