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Updated 10mo ago

Sudden Heat and Chill Sensation - Seeking Advice

So, I have been dealing with something for a few years, but I don’t actually know what it is. I can be sitting down doing nothing, but I all of a sudden start to feel really flush and hot. It’s a feeling of sudden heat mixed with a chill that runs from my head to my feet for about 10 seconds, and then goes away. Once I get one, it will come back every few moments and then vanish for a few hours. It’s a very weird sensation. My mom suffers from chronic hot flashes, so I thought that may be it. I get a lot of my health conditions from her side of the family, so I wouldn’t be surprised. But she has gone through menopause already, so hot flashes are normal. I’m only 19 and haven’t experienced menopause yet, but I’ve been having these weird flush feelings since I hit puberty at 12. Some days are worse than others while some are better. But there’s never a week that goes by without me having at least two feelings like this. I have IBS-C and sciatica, so maybe it’s a part of one of those? Does anyone else experience a similar sensation? If so, do you have any idea of what it could be? It’s very hard to explain because I can’t fully put into words what it feels like.

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Hm... are you always relaxed when it happens?



Yes! I can’t think of any times that I’ve been active and it’s happened. It’s always when I’m sitting down and getting ready for bed/trying to relax.



I have POTS and I get that if I’m standing for too long in anything above 70 degrees. My body doesn’t regulate its own temperature well. That’s all I can really think of. I did have a friend who went through early menopause but that was because of a really intense cancer treatment.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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