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Updated 10mo ago

Has anyone had cardiac ablation for A Fib?

I have A Fib. I’m 62 years old. Cardiologist did a cardioversion at the end of April and went for a follow up visit yesterday and I’m back in A Fib. He suggested having cardiac ablation. Has anyone had that done and did it work?

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I had an ablation in March of this year. It is going good so far for me. I have two brothers and they both have AFib. Yes they have had to go back and get an ablation again later on. But it did do good for them a couple of years after the ablation. One of my brothers is 12 years older than me and the other is 8 years older than me. And the ablation seem to do both of them very good



thank you for your reply to my post. Is it scary, painful and a long recovery? I know nothing about it. My cardiologist is sending me to another cardiologist who does ablations and have to see him first but can’t get in to see him until mid September which is ridiculous. Long time to think and worry about. Thank you for any more information you could give me.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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