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Updated 11mo ago

What do seizures feel like? Need help identifying mine.

What do your seizures feel like? (feelings/sensations during and after) Do you know you are having one while it is happening, or only aware of it after it's over? I have partial onset seizures and trying to learn how to determine if I am having one or if it is something else.

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I unfortunately don't know too much about my condition but usually I will get a massive headache and then a weird feeling in my legs. Almost like a numbness and heavy feeling to them and my vision gets very staticky if that makes sense. I somewhat remember what my first seizure felt like during. I was very hot and cold at the same time and felt very nauseous. And when I woke up I was being held by a very good friend of mine who has experience with seizures. And after feeling very disoriented and confused. All I wanted was to just get back to what I was doing but they rushed me to the hospital because it was a cluster seizure



thank goodness your friend was there! Sounds very intense and overwhelming. Thank you for sharing.



The ones I had as a kid I would have while asleep and not wake up for a week or so after. Then I couldn't lift my head or anything after and had to relearn how to walk and such. Woke up with a big headache.



that must have been so scary and super hard/frustrating to relearn everything! Thank you for sharing 💜



I get numbness and tingling in my left arm and twitching under my right eye and sometimes a twitching in my left upper arm. This is a sure time a seizure is coming. I try talkung and I stop in the middle of a sentence and completely forget what I'm talking about. I will stutter a little. I go into staring spells that I know what's going on but can't take my eyes off of a specific spot. It feels like bugs crawling on me but there's nothing there. Headache. Nausea. Loose track of time because I'm watching tv but then can't tell u parts of what happened cuz my mind is blank like I wasn't even watching it. My legs go all wobbly and my head spins so I have to lay down. My eyes will sometimes blink really fast and alot. I've felt my eyes twitching as if they're moving from side to side. Halucinatios of bright colored silky pieces coming at me but I can put my hand through it so I know it's a halcination. I've woke up at night confused and not knowing where I'm at. I've woke up in my truck in morning and not know how I got there. Many many symptoms to even list



wow, waking up somewhere else in your truck and not knowinghow you got there must be pretty scary. Some of the other things you described is similar to what I am noticing though. Thank you for sharing 💜



I personally didn't have any kind of signs before I had mine - one minute I'm playing the sims, the next I'm in a car on the way to the hospital. I don't remember falling over. I don't remember my mom walking me to the car afterwards. It was a very strange experience. I was VERY out of it afterwards - I kept falling asleep in the car and asked about 3 times where we were going. I felt nauseous afterwards and very sleepy. Looking at everyone else's comments it's very clear that everyone's experience is very different. So some may have signs, some may have no warning at all, like myself 🤷‍♀️



I was only aware of it once it was over, and I woke up - my first one we didn't even realize was a seizure, and I just woke up on the floor (where I had been sitting), with everything a mess around me, from moving around. I assumed I had fallen asleep, or passed out, but I knew it wasn't normal because I didn't recall ever putting my head down, I clearly moved a lot in my "sleep", and I felt nauseous and could barely walk after my mom woke me up.



it is definitely confusing. Thank you for sharing. 🫂 💜

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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