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Updated 11mo ago

Personal Experience with Post Impairment Syndrome

I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experience with Post Impairment Syndrome. I'm 40 in about 6 weeks with mild CP mainly affecting my legs with a slight limp and I just want to prepare myself for what might be coming. From what I've read about it, it comes from decades of movement issues and the battering from what CP does, most often requiring walking aids (already have to use a cane on some occasions) with a 1 in 4 chance of becoming wheelchair bound. Any insight into this would make a big difference. Thanks!!!

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I was diagnosed with cp when I was 16. My cp is very minor. I just drag my feet alot. Over the last 10 years, I've had a variety of surgeries to help me walk better, but I never follow through with the pt exercises at home. I have another surgery scheduled for September.

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