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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Anxiety: Looking for Support

Hello, Brand new to this app. I suffered from anxiety about 10 years ago and got over it. However it seems to be creeping back up on me. I dread how debilitating it used to be and fear getting back to that place, so just hoping to find like minded people hoping we can all help each other through it and stay ahead of it.

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Anxiety isn't something you "get over". It's genetic and hard wired. However some are triggered more easily. What changes have you made this last year? What's new? What's the same? When does it creep on ya?



Hey, thanks for chiming in. I had it really bad about 10 years ago. Was put on Xanax (low dose), which Helped 100%. Then after about 5 years of that my Dr. Said that you can actually grow out of it just like an allergy and suggested I try weening off of the Xanax and see how I do. So I’ve been Xanax and anxiety free for the past 5 or so years. And thought “great, maybe I did grow out of it”! But then recently different ailments have started to bring it back on. Like reflux that gives me scary pains, breathing issues, also have had some weird numbing in limbs lately, so I never know if the anxiety is causing the numbing or if it’s underlined issues and then more anxiety sets in wondering. It’s just a vicious circle lol.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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