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Updated 11mo ago

First Colonoscopy: What to Expect?

Tips for colonoscopy I’m having my first one soon and I don’t know what to expect

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The worst part is the prep for the procedure. You will be completely asleep for all of it . I have one every year because of colon disease.



You’ll have a prep drink that clears out your colon- it’s the worst part. It might make you cold, so have some extra layers and a beanie just in case. The procedure is really quick otherwise, just a quick nap. They will give you an IV during the procedure. You might have some low belly cramping after the procedure, but not intense. Overall it’s quick, it’s just the prep that is uncomfortable. For the prep, I suggest: -Soft Baby Wipes for the rump -Petroleum Jelly for the rump (this is almost mandatory- not to be too graphic but your butt will be RAW. Sorry.) The petroleum jelly helps a ton with relieving that. Optional: -a long charger so you can sit on the toilet and watch videos, scroll endlessly. Lol. You’ll be there for a while. -a nice candle for ambiance



Also a if you have a heat pad you can keep that plugged in and use it too. I had a lot of pain in advance to my colonoscopy, so the prep kind of flared that up and the heat pad helped. But the prep itself shouldn’t cause any pain if you aren’t having pain there as it is.



Does the iv go in the arm or the hand because I had a bad reaction to the hand for weeks and I can’t take any numbing meds



I think that just depends on the tech. You can let them know about that when you arrive, or call the hospital in advance and make sure it’s noted on your file :) Always speak up about those things!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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