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Updated 11mo ago

Experiencing Brain Fog and Switching - Need Advice

Has anyone experienced "brain fog" or you're not exactly sure who's fronting while you're switching? I've had this happen to me a few times, and I'm scared to tell my parents because I know they'll lash out at me. The protector is usually the one who fronts first, unless the little wants to front afterwards. I'm in a system of 2 as of right now. The protector (not exactly sure what to name him yet), And, the little, Riley.

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That's a pretty normal occurrence for people with DID, sometimes it's also called identity confusion, which is a natural part of the disorder. Just try to keep yourself as safe as you can while in that kind of state and try to ground yourself if that sort of thing helps you.



thank you this helped me too.



I was in and out of brain fog from last Thursday til Tuesday. The SCOTUS decision to reverse Roe vs Wade triggered me really badly. It's not because I'm concerned about needing an abortion. I had endometrial cancer and had a complete hysterectomy 8yrs ago so I'll never have pregnancies and not because of my state because I live in RI which has been a blue state since 1930, but because of what this means. If they start taking away our rights, I'm a part of so many minorities, theyre going to be coming for me and pretty much everyone that matters to me. I'm a Pauquunaukit, non binary, demisexual, lesbian, autistic, differently abled person who is Wiccan and practices witchcraft. My sister in law is a m2f pansexual transgender woman. All I keep thinking is about the dangers we already have to be aware of WITH our rights. I've been struggling a lot to not let any of them out or to let them gain control, so I've been in a lot of brain fog. My roommate was away from Thursday afternoon til Wednesday, so that wasn't helpful at all.



All the time, sweetness! There are plenty of times with my partners where I don't remember doing/saying something, and I did, but I just don't remember. It happens all the time. You're okay. And valid babes



For the record, if you're not the protector who is speaking, you would be a system of 3! The "host" is an alter too, and none of you are more "real" than the others. (: And this protector should make himself ideally, or at least have the option to!




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