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Updated 11mo ago

Allergic to Mosquito Bites: Tips for Relief?

Hi! Is anyone else moderately allergic to mosquito bites?? I seem to attract them more than anyone else that I’m around and when I get bites they swell up extremely large and sometimes blister. Any time I have more than 3-5 mosquito bites I break out in hives really bad as well. I take Benadryl and that typically helps but oh man I can’t sleep for about a week until they heal. Any tips or advice for anti itch, sleep, or antihistamine??

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Do you have a specific place they bite? If so you could cover that up. The mosquitos tend to bite my ankles/legs a lot.



Unfortunately mosquitoes tend to like some blood types more then others so they might actually go towards you more then others. Tips that we use in my house is cortisone it works really well for the itch. You just rub a little over the bite. Somthing to keep them away if you dont want to wear bug spray all the time is the bug bracelets. From what I have seen they don't work as well as bug spray but they do not smell as bad. Hopefully you figure something out. Goodluck

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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