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Updated 11mo ago

New here, seeking support for mental health struggles

Hello everyone new here I’m 35 married 11 years mom if a 14 year old teen daughter came across this app in search I guess support from others to o know maybe I’m not alone and that there is help I’ve been to scared and either shy or embarrassed to look for help because many of these doctors make me feel just like that and want to shove a pill down my throat instead of really trying to help me only to end up giving me more problems than originally began with.

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Definitely seek help through a therapist. They will talk to you and help you realize you're not alone and can be helped. Also, know that medications saved my life. If that's the way you need to go then don't be afraid to go there.



I’ve tried countless and the wrong diagnosis then when I try to explain and describe I get nowhere I hate feeling like a zombie I also hate pills with a passion my mom suffered from a pill addiction witch her doctor know of her problem still proscribed her 240+ Noros Xanax Wich I believed is what caused her death she stopped breathing in her sleep only 49 years old pills may have saved your life that’s wonderful but for me they ruined my life and I wasn’t even the one taking them so you can see why it’s hard for me






I’ve found that people in general want to work in their wheelhouse. If a person can write a prescription then in trying to be helpful that’s what they’ll do. If a person is a listener that’s what they’ll do. My primary doctor is absolutely fantastic… from the neck down. We have a great rapport and are wholly honest. I worked in mental health for some time and it was clear to both of us that he is an M.D. and when I need help from the neck up, then I run my thoughts by him but really as an outside perspective, and if it sounds good, move forward, if it sounds well you know, then I get in touch with my other doctor. The P.h.D variety. However all of my medical/mental heath team are connected at my demand. I gather all the waivers and get them filled out and returned to the agencies. I do this for accountability yes. But I have no clue how a person can expect to see two or more professionals that approach things in drastically different ways, and expect any real tangible positivity to happen. I demand their communication with everyone at the onset. If that’s not something they are willing to participate in, that’s totally fine. I continue to look and research until I find that fit 👍. I guess to put this into perspective, in my younger life I spent more time and energy to find a barber than my medical professionals… your can guess as to why it took me into my 30’s to gain a real foothold to any treatment plan. Good luck and remain honest.



and that’s all I’m trying to do is find the right fit I explained what I went through with the pills and my mom and myself I had a prior drug addiction that I used to self medicate so to put me on meds is a huge fear I have of relapsing so every step I take has to be very careful because of my past and I’m not sure where your located but here in California the doctors are only allowed to do so much like put u in a category and if you don’t fit they try to make you like I’ve been wrongfully diagnosed 3 times and each time they gave me meds that I didn’t need it just frustrating and sucks😫😭



I totally understand I don't like taking pills but, I don't eat right so I have to. I also have teen children. I get the fear of finding doctors. Know that a P.A. is trained to treat the symptoms, so you have anxiety here is what you need for that. Other licenses are taught differently, (i can't remember them) If you need to be treated for something, just look into the appropriate degree for you. Nice to meet u. 😊



You're definitely not alone! A lot of people are adverse to taking pills because of how it's affected others in their life. I know you said you've tried therapy before and that is a thing of not everyone's going to be the right fit, so in my opinion, Id look for someone who specializes in what you're dealing with. Of course though, that's not for everyone, it helps me doing research on my disorders & symptoms, listening to others who struggle with the same type of things, and confiding in friends to make sure I don't get too wrapped up and suffocated in it all. I hope everyone here can help you some <3



Well you're not alone. We actually have a lot in common. I'm sorry that happened to you.

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