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Updated 11mo ago

Dealing with Relationship OCD: Need Advice

Hey there! So I was just diagnosed with OCD about a month ago. I struggle with relationship OCD a lot. The most difficult thoughts I deal with are “What if I don’t love them? Are they the one for me?” “What if I just lose feelings one day?” “What if she cheats on me?” I know these fears are irrational, but it’s difficult to turn off the intensity of emotion behind them. Does anyone have anything on what helps them with this or just in general?

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I mean I suffer with this same shit. Hardcore. All I know is I’ll communicate my problems to the other person (maybe not the ones about not having feelings for them) but definitely ones where I obsess over their feelings and stuff. If they’re a good partner, they should reassure you. It can be nearly impossible for us to self soothe, and I also would like to know how to do such a thing.. but usually I have to back away from what I’m obsessing over and focus on something else, maybe get another point of view (that one usually helps the best)

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