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Updated 10mo ago

Concerns about possible DID

hey anyone who may see this, i have concerns that i may possibly have DID, but i'm not entirely certain. i dont think ive ever experienced switching entirely to another person (like alter switch) but i have experienced dissociative episodes where my personalty changes, or i completely black out and arent mentally present for what i am saying/doing. it has mainly happened during altercations with another person or stressful situations, i can even recall speaking in like welsh or something ?? (the only language im fluent in is english) i dont know. i think i definitely have dissociative amnesia in the very least. can anyone possibly share their experiences with DID ? im not fully educated on dissociative identity disorder specifically and i would appreciate some personal input on what having the disorder is like.

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yeah, thats DID. i don't know many people who very cleanly and clearly switch all of the time, even if they say they do. what you described is a dissociative disorder and with the drastic changes in personality that would be DID. you can have DID and still feel like all of your other players are "you." hope this helps! DM me if you have any more questions, i love to talk about this stuff



the players are there for a reason, it makes sense they'd mostly cone out in times of high stress. DID is a coping mechanism actually, your brain trying to protect you from any perceived harm.



I'm not 100% sure myself either, but much like you, I've been aware of dissociative episodes where I myself don't remember anything that happened, but I clearly was still a functioning individual during those times and even displayed different behaviors. one particular recurring dissociation would happen while I was driving, when I came back to consciousness after what I thought was a blackout, I'd still be driving.... no damage to myself, my car, or others.... occasionally scary when I'd come back to driving on the opposite side of the road, but I'd rather that than off the road and into the lake on the other side.... it hasn't happened again in quite a while, but I have a vague idea of my behavior and personality when I'm dissociated, despite knowing it's not me me and never really.... interacting with the non-me personality I'm not incredibly knowledgeable about DID either, but I hope you find the input you're looking for



hey! yeah i know it's pretty scary but that sounds like DID to me, especially if you're having black outs where you act differently. i recommend watching a few educational videos from "the rings system" on youtube! good luck, feel free to dm, i'd be glad to share experiences but there's so much to being a system, i wouldn't even know where to start with ours or others either. just remember everyone's system can present differently, as it was uniquely made to get you through your uniquely difficult life situation and help you cope, however that may be. every alter first arrived to help yourselves. (:

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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