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Updated 10mo ago

Anxiety or Phobia? How to Tell the Difference

I think I have anxiety, but it might be a specific phobia instead. How did you differentiate your anxiety from your phobia s?

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I think phobias and anxiety go hand and hand . Very close . I have tell anxiety which therefore gives me phobias. 🤷‍♀️



Phobias are anxiety issues.I try to face them and show myself that I can survive threw them. It’s amazing what are minds tell us.😩



i have generalized anxiety but not a specific phobia, so please take this advice with a grain of salt: maybe try thinking back to moments when your anxiety has flared up and try to find what those moments have in common, or write new ones down to look for similarities afterwards. you might notice they have something in common—let’s say for example, you went shopping and felt terrible anxiety, and at the time you weren’t sure why. another time, you were at work or school in the hallway and felt the same anxiety. what do these have in common? when you thought about it you remembered the amount of people in the store and in the hallway; then you realize it might be a fear of crowds (agoraphobia) that was triggering your anxiety. if you can find something specific that’s consistent with times that you feel anxious (like crowds in the example) then you’ll be able to pinpoint a phobia, if there’s no correlation then it might just be general anxiety. i hope this helps, ❤️ wishing you luck!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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