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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Health Anxiety and OCD

Hey everyone! I currently have really bad healthy anxiety (hypochondria) and according to my therapist I am showing signs of OCD. I obsess over any sort of pain I feel in my body and is always checking for lumps. Sometimes I think I feel lumps but Idk if i’m making it up or not. Right now my armpits hurt sometimes. I feel like it could be a muscle issue since my shoulders tense up when i’m stressed but I feel convinced that it’s something else. I feel like maybe I might have the C word. I want to work towards positive thinking and hopefully overcome this.

Can you help? connect today




Currently struggling with this as well. I was worse a month ago and I’m slowly getting a tiny better. It’s hard to get out of once you start over analyzing everything. But what I do is if I have a feeling of a symptom I just either keep myself busy or just tell myself it’s just the anxiety talking. Anxiety amplifies it to the max! If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.



Thank you so much for your response. I’ll definitely give that a try! :) I’m here if you need to talk also!



I know what it’s like to go down the spiral of fear and worry about conditions I might have. It’s SO hard, but I’m thankful for those who can relate. I’m currently learning to distinguish between positive and negative thought patterns. It sounds easy but it’s not. A positive pattern might be “hmmmm I have these lumps, well let me make a plan to see a doctor get things checked out and go from there but for today I’m going to focus on what I can control which is my state of mind”. And negative pattern like we both know is toxic and doesn’t do anything to change The situation but only makes you more and more panicked. “These lumps, what if their cancer? What if… what if….!” Trust me I know the spiral to well. Keep fighting! I don’t get it right every day but I am working towards a spot where I’m less worried about whatever is happening with my physical body and instead focused on my mindset, having peace and enjoying the things I love like my family.



Thank you for your response <3 I will try and practice positive thinking. Gonna call to make a dr appointment tomorrow



So I have this issue as well. I had a tumor diagnosed in my right arm in 2020 and that of course only made things worse. I even more obsessed over checking for lumps. I will say that I just recently got an ultrasound on my left arm and armpit because I had pain in that area too. They didn’t find anything there so no next steps on treatment. My doctor thinks that I may have done this to myself with all my pressing in the areas checking for tumors. I was having pain daily for years even days I wasn’t checking there. Definitely get checked out if you’re concerned but know that I had the same thing and as far as we know I’ve caused the pain to myself. Be careful where you’re checking and how often because it is painful



Thank you for your response



I am in the midst of some of this same thinking and anxiety right now. I feel you SO MUCH. I read something that said overchecking and constantly scanning your body only puts you in a state of fear and it achieves the opposite of what we think we are doing. We think if we are constantly scanning and monitoring that we will prevent something bad from happening, but that level of stress itself is what’s really causing harm to our bodies and minds. If something is wrong, our bodies will let us know with clear, unavoidable signals. What is tricky for me is thinking that anything out of the ordinary could be an “early warning sign” and that I have to do something NOW otherwise I’ll find out that I’m dying. It’s hard.



you explained exactly my mind set. I feel like the random pains in my body are “early signs” and i need to get help. But i’m also afraid of confronting that fear and going to the doctor. I have been trying to get out of that mindset but it’s been pretty hard recently. Hope i get there soon.



I’m also starting to think that my health anxiety is bordering on OCD, especially when it involves incessant checking/researching on the internet. 😥



i feel that. Tiktok is a big trigger for me. Hearing people share their stories about illnesses always send me in a spiral.

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