Posts on Alike for August 2022

  1. Medication causing bad dreams?
  2. Struggling to Find Work as an Agoraphobe
  3. Sertraline Withdrawal - Feeling Weird
  4. Has anyone had a Spinal Stimulator installed?
  5. Severe Foot Pain - Is it Plantar Fasciitis?
  6. Flashbacks to Dreams: Anyone Else?
  7. Balancing Medications with ADHD Traits
  8. Dealing with Flashbacks in Public
  9. Starting EMDR Therapy Soon
  10. 15 Years with ADHD: My Journey to Finding the Right Treatment
  11. Struggling to Maintain a Job with Health Issues
  12. Electrolyte/Hydration Powders for Fibro and Migraines?
  13. Opinions on Midodrine?
  14. Relief for Hyatal Hernia Pain?
  15. Looking for Advice on Possible Chiari Malformation
  16. Looking for advice on bowel endometriosis diagnosis
  17. Finding Support in Illness Coping
  18. Constant Burning and Tingling in Legs with Severe Pain While Walking
  19. Looking for advice on Cymbalta for depression, anxiety, and chronic pain
  20. Bilateral Cervical Stenosis and Epidural Injection
  21. Advice on getting a POTS diagnosis
  22. Dealing with IBS Symptoms After Gall Bladder Removal
  23. Need advice on PCOS and Ancothosis Nigricans
  24. Increased ca125 levels after hysterectomy and treatment
  25. Dating with Bipolar Disorder: How to Navigate the Unknown
  26. Managing POTS on bad days: Tips and tricks
  27. Connecting with fellow overthinkers and rumination experts
  28. Coping with splitting in BPD: Need advice
  29. IBS and UTIs: Anyone Else Suffering from Both?
  30. Finding the Right Mix for My Psych Meds
  31. Struggling with Mental Health Alone
  32. My ADHD Diagnosis and Hope for Medication
  33. Coming off Lamotrigine: Concerns and Questions
  34. Caretaker of a Stroke Survivor Seeking Support and Advice
  35. Looking for ADHD Support
  36. Abilify for Mania in MDD
  37. Looking for Crohn's treatment advice
  38. Asking for a Cushing's Test: Is it Appropriate?
  39. Tips for Adrenal Fatigue?
  40. Has smoking helped you guys?
  41. When to go to the hospital during a flare-up?
  42. Memory Decline: Anxiety or Medication?
  43. Dizzy and Disoriented: Diabetes Symptoms?
  44. Can ADHD Medications Cause Jittery and Overly Hyper Feelings?
  45. Wellbutrin causing sadness?
  46. Dealing with High Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  47. Struggling with Weight Loss Due to Chronic Pain
  48. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Emotional Support
  49. Feeling Tired and Down Lately
  50. Looking for Therapy: Where Do I Begin?
  51. My Autism Diagnosis: A Journey of Self-Discovery
  52. Struggling with Anxiety and Loss of Appetite
  53. Trying Anti-Anxiety Meds: My Experience So Far
  54. Scared to go to the Gyno after Ovarian Cyst Burst
  55. Finding a Therapist as a Nonbinary Person
  56. Silence as Rejection: Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
  57. The Relief of a Bipolar Diagnosis
  58. My Battle with Lyme Disease: A Story of Misdiagnosis and Hope
  59. How to Identify Brain Fog?
  60. Living with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  61. How to Stop Chewing Your Lips and Cheeks?
  62. Dealing with Panic Attacks and Psychosis
  63. Dealing with Medication Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  64. Finding Myself: The Struggle of Self-Discovery
  65. Shoe Recommendations for High Arches and Plantar Fasciitis
  66. Struggling with Reading, Need Suggestions
  67. Managing HS in the summer: tips?
  68. Has anyone tried Kratom for pain relief?
  69. Dealing with Chronic Insomnia
  70. Managing PCOS Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  71. Looking for Free Therapy Apps
  72. Living with Autism, Anxiety, and Depression
  73. Need advice on transitioning from service dog to wheelchair
  74. My Journey with Bipolar Disorder and ADHD
  75. Struggling with Medication Switch
  76. Dizziness in Hot Showers
  77. Concerned about Omeprazole side effects
  78. Anxiety Medication Stopped Working After Zyprexa Use
  79. Struggling with Morning Fatigue
  80. New to Heart Health Community - Seeking Feedback
  81. Extreme pain in my toes, need advice!
  82. Clothes and Irritability with Bipolar Disorder
  83. Chronic Upper Back Pain - Seeking Help and Answers
  84. Struggling with Anxiety and Coping Skills
  85. Fractured Foot Not Healing Properly
  86. Looking for advice on getting a pump for diabetes management
  87. Struggling with Mental Health
  88. Dealing with Anxiety Symptoms: Heart Attacks and Needle Prick Sensations
  89. Increased Antidepressant Dose and Panic Attacks
  90. Struggling to Eat Healthy with Low Energy
  91. Feeling Alone Even When Surrounded by Loved Ones
  92. Living with COPD: Seeking Support
  93. Looking for Support and Advice on Managing Stress and Depression
  94. My Epilepsy Disclosure on a Date
  95. Breathlessness on Stairs: Anxiety or Medical Issue?
  96. Chronic Arthritis in Both Knees: Seeking Advice
  97. Diagnosed with ARFID, Need Advice
  98. Upper Right Side Belly Bloating and Nausea After Eating
  99. Dealing with Health Anxiety: Seeking Support
  100. Struggling with Mental Health and Processing Issues
  101. Unemployed and Struggling with Mental Health
  102. Advice on Coping with Counting OCD
  103. Need advice on endometriosis treatment
  104. Dealing with Urethra Pain and Burning After Peeing
  105. Struggling with Health Anxiety
  106. Need Help with Eating Disorder and Depression during Quarantine
  107. Struggling to Connect with Others with Similar Conditions
  108. New here, struggling with anxiety and depression
  109. Forgot to Take My Meds: What Now?
  110. Can One Person Have Multiple Mental Disorders?
  111. Living with Visual Snow Syndrome: Does it Lead to Blindness or Death?
  112. How to Boost Your Libido While on SSRIs?
  113. How has Covid impacted your health?
  114. Growing and Advancing with ADD: Tips and Strategies
  115. Tips for Handling PMDD in College
  116. When to Wear Braces for Sublexes?
  117. Need help managing anxiety during marching band practice
  118. Duration and Dosage of Adderall XR 30mg
  119. Dealing with Isolation: Tips and Tricks
  120. Living with Chronic Illness: The Struggle of Taking Medications
  121. Struggling with Hashimoto's and Weight Management
  122. High and Low Blood Sugars: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  123. Anxiety worsening before surgery
  124. Exploring Alternatives to ADHD Medication
  125. Struggling with Slow Processing Speed
  126. Struggling with Sleeping and Nightmares
  127. Coping with Daily Fatigue from Mental and Chronic Illness
  128. SIBO Diagnosis and Pain in Right Side
  129. Feeling Tired and Overwhelmed: Need Advice
  130. Concerning Stool Sample Results: Pancreatic Elastase
  131. Coping with Anxiety and Asthma: Seeking Advice
  132. Can't Sleep, Need Tips!
  133. Seeking Advice on Fixations with ASD or OCD
  134. My Journey to an EDS Diagnosis: Relief and Sadness
  135. Throwing up from anxiety
  136. Do I Need Anxiety Meds? How to Know?
  137. Coping with Chronic Pain at Work
  138. Tips for Making Friends as an Autistic Adult
  139. Dealing with Anxiety in Public Places
  140. Managing Fatigue and Menstrual Cramps with Fibromyalgia
  141. Levothyroxine for Weight Loss: Does it Work?
  142. Approaching My Parents About My Self-Diagnosed Autism
  143. Struggling with Emotional Eating and Weight Loss
  144. How to Get an Autism Diagnosis?
  145. Unintentional Anxiety Attacks: Anyone Else?
  146. Did I Just Hear Something?
  147. Tips for Remembering to Take Medication and Supplements
  148. Dealing with High Stress and Anxiety
  149. Comparing Lupron and Orilissa for Endometriosis Treatment
  150. Trying an Anti-Inflammatory Diet for HS Pain Relief
  151. Tips for Managing Anxiety
  152. Connecting with Others Living with CP
  153. Do I have Autism? Seeking advice
  154. Severe Migraines: Dizziness, Light and Noise Sensitivity
  155. Worst Place for a Breakout?
  156. How to Stop Being Dependent and Obsessive Over Someone with BPD?
  157. Dealing with Neuropathy and Pinched Nerves for 2.5 Years
  158. Struggling with Depression: Need Coping Tips
  159. Dealing with Unexpected Anxiety After Graduation
  160. Starting Zoloft: Any Side Effects to Watch Out For?
  161. Trying to Clear Up My BV: Should I Try Boric Acid?
  162. Waking up feeling like I've been hit by a train
  163. Headaches after starting Lexapro
  164. Uncommon Side Effects of Lexapro
  165. My Rheumatologist Appointment Got Cancelled Again
  166. Trying out this app to connect with others who understand
  167. Nebulizer and Inhaler Not Working for Asthma Attacks
  168. How to explain my depression to my mom?
  169. Tips for Managing Illnesses without Medication
  170. Severe Stomach Pain After Eating, Need Help!
  171. Dealing with Fibroids: Seeking Alternatives to Birth Control and Hysterectomy
  172. Struggling to communicate when distressed
  173. Preventative Medication vs. As-Needed Medication
  174. Denied Disability, Now What?
  175. Looking for a Good Cane to Help with Chronic Pain
  176. Need help with standing up after being bed bound for a year
  177. Bright flashes when running or jumping
  178. Navigating the Workplace as an Undiagnosed Autistic Adult
  179. Sharing Experiences in Suicide Intervention Training
  180. Looking for experiences with Zoloft
  181. Scared to Take Abilify: Need Advice
  182. Anxious about getting COVID booster shot for me and my kid
  183. Tips for Coping with Panic Attacks
  184. Dealing with Weight Fluctuations and Abdominal Pain from Endometriosis/Adenomyos…
  185. Struggling with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  186. Waking up with anxiety
  187. ADHD and Sensory Tics: Anyone Else Experience This?
  188. Can I Take CBD While on Antidepressants/Anxiety Medication?
  189. Dealing with Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder After Moving to a New State
  190. Using THC Edibles for Sleep: My Experience
  191. Considering a Mobility Aid: Seeking Advice and Stories
  192. Working Out with Fibromyalgia: Tips for Beginners
  193. Looking for Home Remedies for Migraine
  194. Tips for Managing POTS and Epilepsy?
  195. Coping with Anxiety and Depression: Share Your Remedies
  196. Active 59-year-old seeking like-minded individuals
  197. Insurance coverage for wheelchairs
  198. Dealing with Long Covid Symptoms
  199. Struggling to Sleep Due to Anxiety
  200. Relating to BPD Symptoms but Not Diagnosed
  201. Dealing with Anxiety as an Adult: Tips and Tricks
  202. Finding Myself Again After Masking My Whole Life
  203. Heart Flutters: Should I Be Worried?
  204. New to the App, Possibly Autistic and Using Cannabis
  205. No Cramp Periods: Normal or Not?
  206. New ADHD diagnosis, seeking advice
  207. Surviving Suicide: My Journey to Better Mental Health
  208. Fluctuating Moods: Am I Really Bipolar?
  209. Fibromyalgia Pain Behind Left Knee for Months - Normal?
  210. Understanding the Effects of BP 2
  211. My Journey to Health: Overcoming Chronic Inflammatory Illness
  212. How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off?
  213. Nightmares on Citalopram
  214. Constant Repeating of Words in My Head - Echolalia?
  215. Dating with Autism: Seeking Advice
  216. Random Pre Syncope Episode - Need Advice
  217. Looking for others with non-epileptic seizures
  218. Struggling with Anxiety and ADHD
  219. Spinal Fusion Recovery Advice Needed
  220. Hunger or Nausea?
  221. EDS Flare and Mental Symptoms
  222. Trying Herbal Remedies for Fatigue and Malaise Symptoms
  223. Fell and Can't Remember - Is This Normal?
  224. Dealing with Brain Zaps After Tapering Off Lexapro
  225. Fainting Spells or Seizures? Need Advice
  226. Navigating Dating Apps with ADHD
  227. Burning Sensation and Discomfort in Urethra: Need Help!
  228. Need Help with Hallucinations
  229. Methaltexate for Widespread Pain
  230. Dealing with Unexplained Anxiety Attacks
  231. Tips for doing Colonoscopy prep at home?
  232. Nervous About Seeing a New Rheumatologist Tomorrow
  233. Struggling with Insomnia and Melatonin
  234. Struggling with Pain Management as a Stay-at-Home Mom
  235. Struggling to Understand My Mental Health
  236. Exploring Options for Lower Back Surgery
  237. Struggling to Hold a Job - What Should I Do?
  238. Looking for Recommendations on Vitamins for Depression, Fatigue, and Pain
  239. Struggling to get a Tourettes diagnosis without health insurance
  240. Moving into a new place and feeling sick all day?
  241. Dealing with Stress and Mental Illness
  242. ADHD and Cleaning: Can Anyone Relate?
  243. Struggling with ADHD and Cleaning - Need Feedback and Motivation
  244. Do I Have HPV If I Have No Symptoms?
  245. Need advice on getting a POTS diagnosis
  246. Looking for Coffee Alternatives with Less Caffeine
  247. Am I Bipolar? Short Upbeat Episodes and Long Depressive States
  248. Dealing with Migraines: Tips and Tricks
  249. Need tips on losing weight?
  250. Recommendations for Medical Marijuana Use for CPTSD, Insomnia, and Chronic Pain
  251. Managing Medication Side Effects: Overheating and Sweating
  252. How to Cope with the End of Summer Happiness?
  253. Natural remedies for managing PCOS
  254. Feeling Sad on My Birthday
  255. Seeking Advice on Stem Cell Transplant and Hematologists in Florida
  256. Should I be upset at my friend for outing my mental health struggles?
  257. Dealing with Anxiety and Patience at the Doctor's Office
  258. Experiences with DEPO Provera Shot?
  259. Need advice on EDS hypermobile diagnosis
  260. Looking for Non-Coffee Caffeine Sources for ADHD
  261. Heat and POTS: Can it cause flare-ups?
  262. Seraquel 25mg - Anyone have experience?
  263. Persistent Hives: Could it be Lupus?
  264. Can I Join the MaDD Community Even If I Don't Have It?
  265. How Do You Cope with Pain?
  266. Random Itching with Fibromyalgia
  267. Managing Bipolar: Work and Routine
  268. Tips for advocating during Autism assessment journey
  269. Dealing with Post Concussive Headaches
  270. Natural Ways to Calm My Anxious Mind
  271. Clear discharge after bowel movement - hemorrhoids?
  272. Accepting My Mental Health Issues
  273. Long-term COVID-19 symptoms
  274. A Scary Night at Work: My Medical Emergency
  275. Dealing with Heavy and Painful Periods: Seeking Advice
  276. Feeling off after starting Lexapro
  277. Heavy feeling in uterus with Adenomyosis and Endometriosis
  278. Need help with distractions while cutting back on weed
  279. Seeking Advice on a Medical Procedure
  280. Looking for ME/CFS symptom relief
  281. Looking for experiences with fluoxetine for anxiety
  282. Dealing with Anxiety in New Situations
  283. Infection after Wisdom Teeth Removal: What to Do?
  284. ASD Testing as an Adult: What to Expect?
  285. Struggling to Get Out of Bed in the Morning
  286. Looking for Fibromyalgia pain relief
  287. Struggling with Weight Loss
  288. Struggling with Anxiety Treatment: Need Encouragement
  289. Need advice on Chiari Type 1 Malformation surgery
  290. Hand Pain and Burning Palms
  291. Increased Lamictal dose causing fatigue and mood changes
  292. Tips for managing weight gain and fatigue with PCOS?
  293. Strategies for Dealing with Overstimulation
  294. Struggling with Anxiety: How Can I Feel Better?
  295. Looking for Fibromyalgia Symptoms
  296. Experiencing Visual Hallucinations, Should I Be Worried?
  297. Overcoming Depression: My Journey to Happiness
  298. Is Medication Worth It? Concerns and Questions
  299. Feeling Too Young for Type 2 Diabetes
  300. Imposter Syndrome and Mobility Aids
  301. What's Your Biggest Struggle?
  302. Recovering Memory After Seizure: Any Tips?
  303. New to the Group, Seeking Advice for GI Issues
  304. Dealing with Irregular Periods and Medication Restrictions
  305. Hair falling out after prednisone and inflectra
  306. Need Friends to Help with Panic Attacks
  307. Drowning in Depression: Anyone Else?
  308. Dealing with Constant Fatigue
  309. When to Get Checked for PMDD?
  310. Struggling to Sleep Due to Sinuses, Asthma, and Anxiety
  311. Struggling to Date with Depression
  312. Overcoming Negative Thoughts: Tips and Tricks
  313. Looking for advice on getting a gastric pacemaker
  314. Feeling Overwhelmed: Need Encouragement
  315. Looking for advice on ADHD medication
  316. Dealing with Breast Lump Anxiety
  317. Feeling Disconnected from My Body
  318. Making Positive Changes for My Mental Health
  319. Realizing the Depth of My Anxiety
  320. Dealing with ITP and Bruising: Tips Needed
  321. Looking for Comfortable Ankle and Knee Braces
  322. Living with Chronic Anxiety as a Parent
  323. Struggling with Cleaning and Organizing Due to Mental Health?
  324. Recovering from a Gluten Bing
  325. Living with ADHD and BPD: Is a Normal Life Possible?
  326. Dizzy Spells After Quitting Caffeine
  327. How Can I Improve My Diet?
  328. Share your ADHD diagnosis experience
  329. Newbie looking for weight loss tips
  330. How to Help a Loved One with Schizophrenia Who Won't Talk About It?
  331. Smiling at Inappropriate Times
  332. Best Hairstyles for Migraine Sufferers with Long Hair
  333. Questioning My Mental Health Diagnoses
  334. Looking for Advice on Stopping Lupus Damage
  335. Conflicted about my Autism Diagnosis
  336. Celebrating 3 Months Seizure-Free After PNES Diagnosis
  337. Wheezing with a Chest Cold: Should I Be Worried?
  338. Trouble Sleeping and Racing Thoughts
  339. Exploring the Impact of Depression on Relationships
  340. Transitioning with Autism: Feeling Alone?
  341. Diagnosis Timeline: Bipolar, BPD, Autism/ADHD
  342. Excessive Sweating and Dry Mouth from Zoloft Increase?
  343. Managing Crohn's with a Full-Time Job: Tips and Advice
  344. How to Calm Down from Legitimate Anxieties?
  345. Hyper realistic dreams and nightmares from a young age
  346. Zoloft causing depression? Need advice!
  347. Dealing with Alcohol-Induced Acid Reflux
  348. Stimulant meds feeling like sedatives?
  349. Need advice on IBS symptoms
  350. Dealing with PTSD and Depression: Need Advice
  351. How to Avoid a Mental Breakdown: Tips and Tricks
  352. Rising Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies and Hair Loss
  353. What are your go-to comfort foods?
  354. COVID Anxiety: Is it Fibromyalgia or Something Else?
  355. How to talk to my therapist about my mental health and stimming habits?
  356. Finally got the right anxiety medication
  357. Struggling to be Honest with Doctors About Mental Health
  358. Struggling with Food Choices
  359. Nicotine and Schizophrenia: Does it Help?
  360. Living with Daily Anxiety: Is it Possible to Thrive?
  361. Anxiety and Gag Reflex: Anyone Else?
  362. Seroquel Increase Messed Up My Sleep Schedule
  363. Feeling Low After a Boost of Serotonin/Dopamine?
  364. Tips for dealing with excessive sleep
  365. Living with Emery Driefuss Muscular Dystrophy
  366. Struggling with Sleep: Seeking Advice
  367. Struggling with Anxiety Medication? Consider Fluvoxamine (Luvox)
  368. Struggling with Math: Could it be Dyscalculia?
  369. Looking for someone with Ehlers-danlos syndrome to talk to
  370. Looking for Support with Seizure Surgery
  371. Adjusting to a Gastroparesis Diagnosis
  372. Experiencing Ocular Migraines Without Headache Pain
  373. Dealing with Sensory Overload in Public Places
  374. Introduction and Coping with Anxiety and Depression
  375. Looking for Alternative Methods to Deal with Psychosis
  376. Introducing Myself: Transmasc Non-Binary Person on a Journey of Self-Discovery
  377. Constant Fatigue with Dysautonomia: Is it Normal?
  378. Struggling with OCD and ED: Need Help with Healthy Eating Habits
  379. Managing Depression and Socializing: Need Advice
  380. Managing Major Depressive Disorder, GAD, IBS, and GERD
  381. Educating my boyfriend on Autism
  382. Struggling with Relapse Thoughts After 6 Years Clean
  383. The Jitters and Dizziness of Caffeine
  384. First Time on Anti-Anxiety/Depression Meds
  385. Natural remedies for better sleep?
  386. Digestive Problems with Long COVID
  387. Desperate for Relief from Chronic Headaches
  388. Struggling with Codependency to Calm My Anxiety
  389. Questioning My Gender Identity
  390. My Recent Diagnosis: Autism, ADHD, OCD, and More
  391. Tips for Managing Severe Anxiety
  392. Tourette's and Selective Mutism: Do Vocal Tics Stop When Mute?
  393. Dealing with Severe Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  394. Overheating at Work: Is it Normal?
  395. Dealing with Anxiety: The Struggle is Real
  396. Struggling with Bipolar and Religion
  397. Dealing with Music Withdrawals
  398. Exhausted after sensory overload - anyone else?
  399. Could I be on the Autism Spectrum?
  400. Looking for a Friend to Share Struggles with Mental Health
  401. Zoloft to Prozac switch - need advice
  402. Opinions on ADD Medication and Stimulants
  403. Anyone else experience severe PMS symptoms?
  404. Constant Lower Abdominal Pains and Diarrhea for Years
  405. Unsatisfied Hunger: Anyone Else?
  406. Looking for Endometriosis Treatment Options
  407. Struggling to Sleep: Any Tips?
  408. Managing Hand Tremors with Anxiety
  409. Struggling with Gastroparesis: Need Help Regaining Appetite
  410. Upper Abdominal Pain on Right Side - Fibromyalgia?
  411. Seeking Advice on Caudal Injection for Back Pain
  412. Starting Wellbutrin XL: What to Expect?
  413. Dealing with Joint Dislocations: How Do You Cope?
  414. Left my medication at home, need advice
  415. LDN Treatment: Nighttime Wakings
  416. Wondering if I have autism
  417. Question for those with mental health diagnoses
  418. Worsening Dysautonomia Symptoms: Seeking Answers
  419. Asking My Doctor About Endometriosis
  420. Need snack ideas during Crohn's flare
  421. Anxiety Symptoms: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  422. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Self-Centeredness in Conversations
  423. Struggling with Asthma at Night
  424. Struggling with Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss
  425. Helping a Distraught Man in Need
  426. PCOS, Anxiety, and Depression: Anyone Else Struggling?
  427. Reducing Inflammation with Autoimmune Diseases
  428. Tips for Managing Fibromyalgia Pain
  429. How to Handle a Loved One's Mental Health Episode
  430. Worried About My Colonoscopy Results
  431. Adderall XR and POTS: Unexpected Results
  432. Hospital Visit and Positive Changes
  433. Fibromyalgia Pain Points: What Affects You the Most?
  434. Need Help Identifying My Symptoms
  435. UTI-like symptoms during period, normal?
  436. Starting a Podcast on Disability Advocacy
  437. Worried About My Future with Beta Thalassemia: Need Help with Healthcare Options
  438. Why Am I Always Tired No Matter What?
  439. Managing Thoughts and Tasks with a Chaotic Mind
  440. Learning to Live with Thyroid Issues
  441. How can I overcome my anxiety about sleeping in a bed?
  442. Suffocating Dreams: Any Advice?
  443. Dealing with PMS Mood Swings
  444. Accidentally Consumed 65 Carbs with No Insulin: T1D Humor
  445. Struggling to Stay Awake During the Day
  446. Dealing with Hypothyroidism: My Journey So Far
  447. My life-changing experience with Adderall for ADHD
  448. Tremors After Med Change: Any Advice?
  449. Colposcopy Pain: Is it Normal?
  450. Ketamine Infusion: What Are Your Thoughts?
  451. New to the group and looking for advice on Savella for fibromyalgia
  452. Dealing with Mood Swings Caused by Pain
  453. Finding Support for Chronic Conditions as a Parent
  454. Discovering the Root Cause of Chronic Illness
  455. Need help with scalp rashes
  456. Avoiding Places Due to Panic Attacks
  457. Combining Lyrica and Antidepressants for Fibromyalgia: Experiences?
  458. Dealing with Cirrhosis: Seeking Advice and Support
  459. Dealing with Depression: Tips and Tricks
  460. Are Your IBS Symptoms Getting Worse?
  461. Mornings with Anxiety: Parenting Edition
  462. Struggling to Sit Still: Advice Needed
  463. Struggling with a Mixed Episode
  464. Tips for Better Sleep with ADD
  465. Do you feel the need to finish your food?
  466. Dealing with Agoraphobia: Seeking Advice
  467. Dealing with Myoclonic Seizures: Understanding Auras
  468. Struggling with a new diagnosis
  469. Looking for advice on new medication
  470. Recommendations for tasty electrolyte powder for POTS?
  471. Looking for Friends Dealing with Obesity
  472. Advice for Chronic Back Pain
  473. Dealing with Chronic Pain: What to Do When Meds Don't Work?
  474. Natural Ways to Fall Asleep: Tips for Autistic Individuals with ADHD
  475. Mental Health and Work: A Personal Struggle
  476. Possible Bipolar I with Psychotic Symptoms
  477. Struggling with Reality Perception
  478. My First Dentist Appointment in Four Years
  479. Newly Divorced and Struggling with Anxiety: Taking it One Day at a Time
  480. Contemplating Antidepressants: Share Your Experience
  481. Dealing with Anxiety and OCD
  482. Tips for Asking for a Wheelchair Prescription with EDS and POTS
  483. Living with CHF and Autoimmune Diseases
  484. Share Your Experience: Medication That Didn't Work
  485. Feeling Down and Worried: What Can I Do?
  486. Possible ASD Symptoms - Seeking Diagnosis
  487. Expertise in Lyme Disease and Natural Treatments
  488. Advice on Lexapro and PCOS Symptoms
  489. Tips for Applying for Disability
  490. New here, struggling with sudden depression and anxiety
  491. Vaping on ADHD Medication: A Spicy Experience
  492. Protein in Kidneys: Seeking Advice
  493. Questioning the Need for Thyroid Medication
  494. Zoloft Withdrawal: Coping with Brain Zaps
  495. Balancing Exercise and Eating Disorder Recovery
  496. Constant Muscle Cramps - Seeking Advice
  497. Struggling with OCD and Fibromyalgia
  498. Emotionally Numb with Mom in Hospital
  499. Seeking Connection with Others Who Understand Chronic Illness
  500. Dexcom G6 and T:Slim X2 Pump: Tips for a Newbie
  501. Schizophrenia and Violence: Can Self-Harm or Harm to Others Indicate the Conditi…
  502. Looking for alternative Crohn's Disease medication
  503. Dealing with Thought Loops and Obsessive Thoughts
  504. Mentioning Chronic Illness to New People: How Do You Do It?
  505. Scared for my Drs appointment
  506. Vascular EDS Variant of Unknown Significance: Seeking Advice
  507. Talking about Health Struggles with a Romantic Interest
  508. Singer with Acid Reflux Losing Voice - Need Help!
  509. Struggling with Type 1 Diabetes
  510. Natural Endometriosis Symptom Management Tips Needed
  511. Struggling with Social Anxiety: Need Help Asking for Help
  512. Afraid of the Stigma: Seeking a Diagnosis for My Anxiety and OSDD
  513. Looking for Effective Anxiety Medication
  514. Introduction and Hope for Friendship
  515. Hypermobile EDS of the Bladder: Seeking Advice
  516. Melatonin not working for me, any suggestions?
  517. Hormonal Birth Control and My Mental Health
  518. Managing BPD Episodes: Controlling Your Mouth
  519. Tips for Staying Hydrated
  520. Struggling to Find the Right Diet for My Conditions
  521. Feeling Burnt Out at Work: Need Advice
  522. Dupixent Side Effects - Joint Pain and Injection Anxiety
  523. Looking for Neuropathy Treatment Advice
  524. Need help with fatigue remedy for college life
  525. Offering Help and Coping Skills for Depression and PTSD
  526. Struggling with Overeating at Night
  527. Dealing with the Progression of My Chronic Illness
  528. I Lost My Anal Virginity and Now I Have IBS Symptoms
  529. Coping with Bad Days: Tips and Tricks
  530. Dealing with High Blood Pressure and Anxiety
  531. Received my medical box today!
  532. Do OCD and ADHD Share Symptoms?
  533. Heart Palpitations When Lying Down
  534. The Connection Between Food and Anxiety
  535. Struggling with the Overlap Between ADHD and Autism
  536. Dealing with Horrible Migraines: Any Tips?
  537. Managing Dysautonomia Symptoms: Tips and Tricks
  538. Can't Stand the Sound of Gardeners and Vacuum Cleaners
  539. Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure
  540. Need advice for Ehlers Danslos and joint problems
  541. Feeling Alone with Lupus: Seeking Support
  542. Questions about Hashimotos and Inflammation, Diet, and Mental Health
  543. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety: What Are Yours?
  544. Living with GERD: Worries and Struggles
  545. Help! I can't control my gas
  546. Zoloft causing sleep and appetite issues
  547. Tips for Talking to a Doctor About Suspicious Symptoms
  548. Tips to Stop Anxious Finger Picking?
  549. Struggling with Skin Picking Habits
  550. Struggling to Identify My Manic Episodes
  551. Getting Tested for Autism: What to Expect?
  552. Struggling with Weight Loss and Emotional Eating
  553. Struggling with Knee Pain: Seeking Advice from Arthritis Patients
  554. Seeking Advice on Ketamine Therapy
  555. Struggling with Chronic Illness and Loneliness
  556. Need Help with Hip Stability
  557. Struggling with Mental Health and No Insurance
  558. Finding the Right Meds for My Mental Health
  559. Dealing with EDS and daily subluxations
  560. Need to Talk but Can't?
  561. Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, EDS, and POTS
  562. Getting Tested for Autism as an Adult
  563. Struggling to Explain Why I Think I'm Autistic to My Doctor
  564. Long Showers and Phone Addiction
  565. Connecting with Other Stroke Survivors
  566. Managing Dysautonomia Symptoms in School Sports
  567. Dealing with Agoraphobia: My Struggle to Leave the House
  568. Looking for ADHD Treatment Advice
  569. Waiting for SLE Lupus Blood Test Results
  570. Looking for Relief from Guillain Barrie Syndrome Symptoms
  571. Feeling Anxious at School Orientation
  572. Need advice on pain management
  573. Asking about Chiari Malformation symptoms
  574. Struggling with Sleep Anxiety
  575. Dating with Mental Illness: How to Help Your Partner Understand
  576. Need help with hypoglycemia diagnosis
  577. ARFID and Wedding Planning: Help!
  578. Prozac for Major Depressive Disorder: Experiences?
  579. How to Stay Focused While Working from Home
  580. Feeling Disconnected: Is It Normal?
  581. Alprazolam: Experiences and Side Effects
  582. Advice for Panic Attacks Due to Common Triggers?
  583. Struggling with PCOS, Diabetes, and IBS: Need Help with Food
  584. Always Hungry: Can't Stop Eating
  585. Weakness in Arm: Anyone Else Experience This?
  586. Type 2 Diabetes and Hypothyroidism: Seeking Support
  587. Switching from Trazodone to Remeron for Sleep
  588. Managing Fibromyalgia Pain: Seeking Advice
  589. Feeling like everyone else is an NPC in my world
  590. What are nightmares like for you?
  591. Confused about my diagnosis
  592. Worrying About Being Lazy Because of Fibromyalgia
  593. Sharing My Positive Pregnancy News
  594. Anxiety and Menstruation: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  595. Home Remedies for Upset Stomach from Salt Increase?
  596. New to the app, struggling with IBS and weight loss
  597. Looking for PCOS treatment advice
  598. Dealing with Flares of Interstitial Cystitis
  599. Dealing with Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
  600. Tips for Getting Back on a Sleep Schedule
  601. Waking Up Anxious: Does Anyone Else Experience This?
  602. Getting ADHD Medication via Telehealth
  603. Is Excision Surgery the Best Option for Endometriosis?
  604. Experiencing Dizziness During Waking Hours
  605. Tips for Dealing with ADHD in College
  606. What Are Your Anxiety Symptoms?
  607. Negative Emotional Effects of Hormonal Birth Control
  608. Managing My Health in College
  609. Constant Headaches at 22
  610. Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Without Medication
  611. Connecting Depression and Tiredness
  612. Schizophrenia and Drug Addiction: Can Getting Clean Make It Go Away?
  613. Introducing Myself and Asking What Brought You Here
  614. Vomiting after MALS surgery
  615. Managing Work During Period Week
  616. Struggling with Chronic Pain at Home
  617. Need advice for endometriosis pain relief
  618. Sketching with ADHD: A Personal Journey
  619. Weird Appetite Changes - Is it POTS?
  620. Struggling with Anxiety and Overthinking
  621. How to Confirm if You Have Autism?
  622. Color by Number App: My ADHD Therapy
  623. Coping with Fibromyalgia Diagnosis
  624. How Long Does It Take to Start Doing Normal Hygienic Stuff?
  625. Dealing with Kyphosis in EDS: Physical Therapy Experiences?
  626. Non-stimulant ADHD treatment options?
  627. Struggling with Body Image and Weight
  628. Opinions on Prozac prescription?
  629. Fidgeting at Work without Medication
  630. Applying for Social Security Disability with POTS
  631. Needle Piercing Feelings All Over My Body
  632. How to Break Bad Habits?
  633. Can PCOS Cause Ovarian Cysts?
  634. What Diet Should I Follow to Lose Weight with PCOS?
  635. Feeling like a burden
  636. Struggling with Hemorrhoids and Fissure for Two Weeks
  637. New to the App and Looking for Support with Mental Health
  638. Struggling with Loneliness and Sadness
  639. Making Friends with Mental Illness: A Struggle for pwBPD
  640. Migraine sufferers, do you experience worsened pain with coughing or bending dow…
  641. How to Stop Being Negative and Be More Positive?
  642. Dealing with Irritability: Seeking Advice
  643. Winter Blues: Does the Cold Weather Affect Your Mood?
  644. Signs of ADHD in Children: What to Look Out For
  645. Share Your Experience with Anti-Depressants
  646. Struggling with ADHD: Tips for Staying Focused
  647. Is anxiety ever going to go away?
  648. Struggling with Perfectionism and Anxiety
  649. Looking for advice on switching antidepressants
  650. Constant Guilt with Anxiety
  651. Feeling like I'm about to cry but can't
  652. Constant Neck and Chest Pain, Heart is Fine
  653. Living in my car for three days
  654. How I Lowered My Blood Pressure with Meditation and Tai Chi
  655. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Alcohol in AA Meetings
  656. Struggling with Anxiety and Eating
  657. Dealing with IBS and Possible Celiac Disease
  658. Late Diagnosis of Autism
  659. Looking for someone who understands my struggles with mental health
  660. Looking for Someone with Bipolar Disorder 1
  661. When to Disclose Mental Health Issues in a New Relationship?
  662. Swallowing Difficulty and Heart Rate Drop
  663. Struggling with ADHD, Anxiety, and Bipolar Diagnosis
  664. Coughing fits after drinking water
  665. Skin Conditions After Diagnosis
  666. Constantly Checking My Blood Pressure
  667. Struggling with Asthma and Exercise: Anyone Else?
  668. Need Help with Stress Management Techniques
  669. Struggling with GERD Symptoms and Early Satiety
  670. Dealing with Chronic Back Pain at 29
  671. Exploring the Link Between Autism and Gender
  672. Anxious about taking public transit for my internship
  673. How did you know you possibly had Schizophrenia?
  674. Best Mobility Device for Multiple Joint Pain
  675. Natural Headache Relief: Tips and Tricks
  676. Need Help with Joint Pain Relief at Night
  677. Adjusting to Trulicity: How's Everyone Doing?
  678. Living with Dermatomyositis: Dealing with the Rashes
  679. Need advice on staying hydrated during flares
  680. Managing BPD Manic Episodes: Tips and Tricks
  681. Misdiagnosed with BPD? Seeking Advice
  682. Loss of familiarity with my own face
  683. My Journey to Health and Happiness
  684. Need help with gluten and dairy free diet
  685. Overwhelmed and Anxious: Has Anyone Else Experienced This?
  686. Best Medication for Panic Attacks?
  687. Do you feel the need to share everything?
  688. Dealing with Ear Pain and Dizziness
  689. Dealing with Chronic Pain: Seeking Suggestions and Support
  690. Endo and Intimacy: Seeking Advice
  691. Haunted by Dreams of the Past
  692. Struggling with Migraine Symptoms - Anyone Else?
  693. A Friendly Greeting
  694. Experiencing Dizziness and Nausea for a Week
  695. Finding a Job with EDS: Suggestions Needed
  696. Heart palpitations for over a year, what should I do?
  697. Dealing with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Anxiety
  698. Dealing with Internal Hemorrhoids: Need Suggestions
  699. Dealing with Dizziness: Tips and Tricks
  700. Living Alone with POTS: Can a Service Dog Help?
  701. Why are people with ADHD hesitant to take stimulants?
  702. First Time Seeing a Psychiatrist for ADHD & Anxiety
  703. Dealing with Exhaustion After Anxiety Attacks
  704. Feeling like a fake with dysautonomia symptoms