As someone who was diagnosed with IBS at 16, after suffering my entire childhood with embarrassing G.I. issues, (about a quarter century ago now! Geez, lol!!) I just wanted to let you know that, even though I consider my condition to be better/recovered because I do not get symptoms often anymore, I still could be symptomatic if I ate any triggering foods. Basically, similar to Fibromyalgia, IBS is a blanket term for “We don’t know what is wrong with you or why, but you share these constellation of symptoms w/ other people.” Essentially, what I wish someone had told me early on is that the IBS diagnosis oftentimes does not lead to any medical solutions. I was put on several different medications at that time, but progressively quit each one by one, as they only seemed to further exacerbate my symptoms. One of the meds I quickly quit was taken off the market by the FDA about a year or 2 later for CAUSING stomach cancer in prescribed patients!!! Thank goodness I’d had the sense to listen to my body & to not stay on it for long enough to do any known damage, but still a frightening situation that taught me that doctors don’t have all of the answers. IBS trigger substances & related (OCD &) anxiety conditions are actually really specific to each individual, & it will be up to you to figure out over time. Symptoms can arise probably up to 72 hours after the trigger substance is ingested, or reactions can be immediate, so this is a tricky trial & error process, but it is well worth it to know what aggravates your condition. Personally, it took me like 2 decades to figure out that I cannot digest animal proteins, & I am now mostly vegan (occasional egg ingredients only) for ethical reasons, as well. Although I still have stomach pain & issues related to my other diagnoses, I do not have constant gas & diarrhea like I used to, so I hope that you, too, will figure out what foods (& also beverages, don’t forget!!) trigger symptom flare ups! Good luck on your journey!!! :-)