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Updated 11mo ago

Constant Burning and Tingling in Legs with Severe Pain While Walking

burning and tingling almost constant but if i walk more that 5 to 10 feet my calves feel like they are getting charlie horses and hurt to the point i cry. anyone else experience this? what can i do?

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Are your calves tense all the time, like you are flexing them? Mine were like that my whole life. There would be times that they felt that way. About 10 yrs ago, a physical therapist gave me stretching exercises to help get them to relax. Ever since then I have not had those sensations.



Yes they are. Do u mind sharing the exercises? I dont know how much longer i can deal with this



absolutely 😊 Facing stairs like you are going up, stand on the edge of the first step, holding onto railing for balance, move your feet back so you are on the ball of your foot, drop your heels down towards the floor, hold for a count of 5, 3 times. Work your way up to holding for a count of 10. Do this 3 times a day or at least every other day, and anytime you feel your calves cramping. You want to feel a good stretch, not pain. At first you will not be able to drop very far, but the more you do it, the farther your heels will drop. This stretches the muscles and tendon. If your heels hurt when getting out of bed in the morning, this will help that as well. Do these until you notice they no longer cramp when walking longer than 10 minutes. After that, you will only need to do them 1-2 times a week. If you don't have stairs, you can use the edge of a cabinet. Find one that has something to hold onto for balance. I hope this helps. πŸ«‚ πŸ’œπŸ˜Š



I deal with the same , pain can be unbearable. I do the stretching, helps a little bit. The only thing that stops the tingling, for a short time is Lyrica. Mine is constant also.



I take Lyrica for the nerve pain/tingling also. Evening/after dinner was the worst time of day for me. I switched times that I take it and it helped. Instead of taking it first thing in the morning and early evening, I take it about 3 hrs later. That seems to help get me through the evening with less pain/tingling.



Does Lyrica work better than gabipitin? Can you take both?



I have heard that you can take both, but do not know for sure. I take Lyrica because I can't take Gabapentin. My sister does well with Gabapentin though.

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