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Updated 10mo ago

Exhausted after sensory overload - anyone else?

hi, so i am suspected to have ASD and one of my main symptoms is my sensory issues ESPECIALLY to loud noises. i was around a lot of noise and bright lights yesterday and was very overstimulated and ended up having a breakdown last night. today i cannot get out of bed. i just feel upset and extremely tired. i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced being excessively tired after being overstimulated?

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Yeah, it's a common occurrence. It's called "burn-out". It's when the body stresses itself out so much that it has little to no energy left the next day as it was using up the energy created by resting/sleeping. To battle it, I get noise cancelling headphones. They sell them on Amazon and are much cheaper online than in person. For lights I suggest sunglasses. You will look "weird" but it's better looking "weird" to people who don't understand then it is to have another meltdown.



thank u sm!! luckily i was wearing sunglasses for most of the time and that definitely helped. if u don’t mind me asking, do you have a good recommendation for noise canceling headphones? i’ve been looking for some recently and don’t rlly know which ones are the best for really drowning out the noise. If not that’s totally fine! Tysm for replying and i definitely feel the “burn-out” you are talking about.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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