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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with ADHD and Cleaning - Need Feedback and Motivation

so today I haven't been home all day I have 12 tasks to complete. I've done 2 trying to convince myself to at least do one more it's almost time for bed. I did some research on what's a good schedule for cleaning when you have ADHD so I was wondering if I could get any feedback on what people thought of my daily schedule as well as some motivation to at least do one more of my tasks before bed. 15 minutes clear a path 15 minutes picking up trash take the dishes to the sink Wash 12 dishes take the trash if needed put away food (I tend to leave out cereal boxes and sugar) then I have meditation and brush my teeth

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keeping your shoes on when you get home helps motivate you to complete your tasks






The one thing that I used to multitask with is a app called Notion is a journal/multitasking/scheduling app that will help you get organized and set your life to a better future I have used it for a couple of years and let’s say that it helped me become who I am



I'll give it a try



When it comes to this reading and educating myself and using apps has helped a lot. There’s a book called the atomic habit that breaks down how to get around barriers and hurdles our brains put up. It really helped me gain tools that work. I also paired this with a task tracker app. Basically anytime I do the thing I immediately click the I did x today button. The science is you’re offering your brain visual progress and instant gratification (even if it’s as small as clicking the I did it button). Eventually it makes the daunting tasks easier and more maintenance based. I used to have to clean my whole car out constantly and it was overwhelming but now I have a habit of throwing away or straightening up one or two things every time I get out of it and by some miracle it stays pretty clean. I apply this to a lot of things now and holy shit it helps.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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