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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling with Asthma at Night

I’ve had asthma practically my entire life (I’m 20), yet this past couple months it’s been almost unbearable. I can go throughout the day and be pretty okay but the second it’s time to lay down for bed, I can’t breath. I did a sleep study a couple months ago at the beginning of this issue and it was decided I didn’t need a CPAP or anything like that. I have my regular rescue inhaler (albuterol) as well as wixela. I was just started on the wixela. I previously had been on Flovent and Singular instead of wixela. I do not have any symptoms of allergies besides my nose being stuffy when I lay down. Even just sitting in bed seems to make it worse. I change my sheets weekly and clean my blankets often as well. Any suggestions? I have a dehumidifier and air purifier by me as I sleep as well. I have a nebulizer machine but hate having to use it super often

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I've been dealing with this really badly also. I take wixela and my rescue one as needed. Do you have any chest mucus? My doctor recommended mucinex 1200 (not 600) and it is a small help. I run my air purifier and humidifier nonstop but the monsoons by me have really made me wheezy.



No mucus on my part. I’ve been taking allergy meds and nasal spray to try and help. Not sure if you’ve tried this but I also have a Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer which seems to help a bit. The weather where I’m at isn’t bad. Calm sunny skies here so really nothing that should be affecting me at all



Have you tried a sinus flush? It's definitely not fun, but it works for me. I use a neti pot every other day because allergens get stuck in my sinuses and make it so my airways are always inflamed and super sensitive to asthma and allergy attacks. I still have a little trouble when I lay down, but it's better when I prop myself up on an extra pillow. Did you ever get Covid? I've had extra trouble with my asthma since I got it last year.



No, I haven’t had Covid surprisingly enough. I’ll try your suggestions, thanks!



Whenever I can't breathe laying down I rub vix vaporizing rub on my chest and under my nose, works wonders, I hope that it helps!!



I do that occasionally but i can’t stand having it on my skin. I have a steamer and wall plug in which help a bit but doesn’t seem to be doing enough for me unfortunately



Sorry that I can't offer advice, but I'm in the same boat you are! Really severe asthma in the last couple months and I've been on prednisone, zyrtec, Singulair, and wixela with no notable changes.



Hi there! I just went through a similar episode not too long ago that lasted a few months. I had to take my nebulizer everyday and would have an attack around the same time daily. What helped me is everything you’re already doing plus pillow replacements, making sure the surrounding area was very clean, and took some lung supplements. The biggest thing for me was going back on advair until I could feel normal again. What helped me too was changing my diet for a little while because I have food and environmental allergies 🥴



That’s a good idea. My weight has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I’m a notoriously picky eater so I’m focusing on that currently (making amazing progress), but I intend to get back into a normal exercise routine. I’m hoping it’ll help. I’ll start deep cleaning my pillow and changing it when it gets worse. I dust pretty frequently and try to keep my space tidy. Thank you!!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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