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Updated 11mo ago

Tips for managing weight gain and fatigue with PCOS?

just got diagnosed with PCOS & want to know y’all’s best tips for dealing with weight gain & fatigue beyond the obvious (get more sleep, avoid carbs, take metformin, try yoga etc.) im on metformin but haven’t seen any changes & have heard some horror stories

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My OBGYN immediately got me on birth control to help regulate my hormones. For me, I would say it helped. My periods were long and horrible before the pills. It also helped some with fatigue once my body adjusted to it. As much as I hated to agree with my doctor to because I hate exercising, and I still really don't, the times that I did, my cramping was much less, which also helped the weight gain. I would also ask you about your sleep schedule. How regularly are you waking up and going to sleep at the same time? How much caffeine are you intaking? I found these things to be contributing to my fatigue. I think the fatigue leads to the weight gain sometimes just because we are always so exhausted.



Metformin made me sick!! Other than that it didn't really do anything and my doctor hasn't done anything since I took myself off of it. Hot water bottles or heating pads help with my cramps and I constantly have tampons and pads on hand!!



Please get off of metaformin. I would highly recommend taking Ovasitol. It is very similar to metaformin, but it doesn't have the nasty side effects. It is pricey, but worthwhile.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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