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Updated 11mo ago

Wheezing with a Chest Cold: Should I Be Worried?

I have asthma and I currently have a chest cold. I am getting nervous because I keep wheezing but my oxygen levels appears to be normal but I keep wheezing and I have a lot of pressure in my chest.

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Chest pain and wheezing are still awful to deal with even if you're managing to keep oxygen saturation up. do you have a nebulizer with albuterol or any other symptom management meds?



I have been using my albuterol inhaler every other hour for the past two days. I have also started taking a flovent inhaler.



Thats really high albuterol use, im sorry. A trick i like is putting eucalyptus oil in a pot of boiling water and breathing the steam. It helps loosen mucus so you can cough it out and relax chest muscles. Another bonus is with the mucus out, inhaled meds reach the lung better



I hear you! I use 2 rescue inhalers and I'm supposed to use 2 preventative but I often forget



I had Covid-19 about 6 weeks ago and I went to the doctors and they said I had bronchitis but they did not prescribe me anything. I will see where I can find some eucalyptus oil.



walmart has a therapeutic grade one by the pharmacy. Amazon also has it



I decided to go to urgent care and they diagnosed me with walking pneumonia. I am being put on a steroid called DEXAMETHASONE 6 MG and a antibiotic called DOXYCYCLINE MONO 100 MG. I am very nervous about taking these new prescriptions since I have had a very bad reaction to predisone earlier this year. I experience frequent panic attacks for around two months after taking prednisone. I told the doctor this and he said that he would put me on this other steroids that is not as strong but after I took the medication I noticed that my heart has been racing, which I know is normal with steroids but I feel random sharp pains in my chest around my heart that come in go. I called a nurse and left a voice message but I have not heard back from her yet. I feel like it could just be me panicking too much and making my heart race even more but I keep on thinking what if its not just that. Sorry for the long paragraph.



steroids are absolutely a double edged sword. They help a lot with lung function but the side effects are atrocious. I get severe anger issues, depression, and sleep problems. I had tried taking ashwaganda along side and it has helped a bit. Ive never had chest pains from it but it could be or it could be triggering panic. Steroids mimic the stress hormone cortisol in the body so they agitate everything. Try yoha breathing and guided meditations to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and see if anything improves.



Thank you for the recommendations, I will look into these. I feel alot better since I feel like I can actually breath from taking the steroids this morning at the hospital but what made me worried was an hour after taking the steroids, my heart started racing and I started getting random sharp pains in my chest around my heart that would come and go and it made my anxiety high so I called the nurse line and I told her about the new medications that I took and the pain around my heart and she wants me to go back to the urgent care to get another x-ray. She thinks that I might need a stronger dose of antibiotics and/or steriods which I am worried about. I decided to take a hot shower and took some magnesium citrate and I do not feel the sharp pains as often so I am thinking maybe it is just me panicking too much. Apart of me thinks that it might be a good idea to just get the x-ray done to be on the safe side but I am stuck on what to do.



if it is a cost you can manage, a chest xray when you have pneumonia is not a bad thing. Different levels of infection require different antibiotics. The xray will show how deep the infection is and if something that kills more types of bacteria is needed



Cold room. Drink ice cold water

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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