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Updated 11mo ago

Living with Chronic Anxiety as a Parent

Anyone else living with chronic anxiety and panic disorder as a parent? I have two little ones. When I’m not anxious my greatest joy is playing with them and being there dad. But when the anxiety takes over I just feel like a fraction of myself, and like they get a severely downgraded version of me. It’s hard, just looking for others who can relate and who have maybe gotten through it.

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I can relate way too much...I feel like I've missed so much of my memories with my two year old bc I'm mostly consumed by my anxiety and the symptoms it causes. And the guilt that I have for being so mean to my 11 year old. I hate it



Well from one parent with this struggle to another, I fight to be present in the little moments (whether I feel it or not). I don’t always succeed in that but they are worth the fight. It kills me when I see they’re smiling faces and yet I can feel the happiness of that because my body is in a raging fight or flight response mode, BUT they don’t know that, so I push through. Keep fighting it too! I’m on this app to both be encouraged and give it. Who knows one day our own kids may be grown and going through anxiety of their own and we’ll be able to relate and encourage THEM through it. On a separate note, How are you managing your anxiety? Are you taking anything?



this is awesome...yeah I have been able to shift into the present moment a little more lately. I've been doing weekly Therepy sessions with my therapist and just using my inner self to push through. I was always on ssris in the past but trying to go back on them after my son was born was just too much for me. The side effects really messed me up so I'm in no medication. Some days I feel like I'm a warrior, other days...I want to curl in a ball to make it all go away. I'm learning a lot through this journey so I'm ok with setbacks now

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