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Updated 10mo ago

Struggling to Sit Still: Advice Needed

Does anyone have trouble with sitting still all the time? I've had this problem for a long time. i know that it's common in autistic people (like me) but I could be wrong. any advice on how to sit still for a long period of time without a problem?

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Hmmm, idk if I have a solution. Just showing up to say I also have this issue. I sit in the weirdest positions but find them comfortable? My older brothers used to pinch/smack my thighs if I didn’t sit still at the dinner table. I mask a lot by wiggling my toes so I don’t fidget openly. Made it this far and ppl are always surprised when I tell them I’m on the spectrum. My 3rd grade teacher gave me “the wiggliest worker award”…still surprised how I slipped through without being diagnosed for so long…



yea i also have the strangest sitting positions, mostly trying to get my back comfortable since I had spine surgery a few years ago. My family doesn't pinch/smack me but they do tell me to sit still and it's so dang hard! I can keep still for a few minutes, but then I'm back to rocking my body certain ways.

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