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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Migraine Symptoms - Anyone Else?

Hey guys… sometimes with my migraines in the past couple months, I’ll have off and on symptoms that consist of: struggling to type or text out sentences/words and it all turns into nonsense that I have to heavily rely on auto correct but even then I still have to delete and retype a bunch of times for the same words to get them right, I’ve also had a hard time maintaining a thought process or forming sentences, and sometimes people sound like they’re speaking absolute gibberish but I can’t understand them no matter how many times I ask them to repeat. I was curious if anyone else with migraines has ever had any of these? I went to urgent care a month ago for it and they told me to go to the emergency room if it persisted. The thing is that it’s off and on and I haven’t had them since about a month ago so I don’t see a point to going if I’m not constantly struggling with it. I’m also too broke at the moment to pursue a new neurologist (last one did mri and said brain was clear but he was also rude so I want a second opinion) Just curious to know if this has ever happened to anyone else?? (Sorry for the ramble)

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I experience these symptoms and in my experience it’s transient aphasia



Had that a couple of times, thought I was having a stroke. But dr said it can be a part of the migraine, it’s transitory.



I’ve definitely experienced this, along with memory loss (as in, forget my roommate’s name, forget the word for “door,” random things like that). In my experience, as long as it goes away with the migraine, you should be fine (but next time you see your GP, maybe mention it just to get a dr’s perspective’h



I have the memory loss too! I sometimes struggle and even go as far to stand my side in an “argument” with my boyfriend whether or not I did something 30 seconds prior. I will definitely mention it to my dr when I see her in October because all of it together plus the other symptoms and pain from the migraines is becoming a lot




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