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Updated 10mo ago

Adderall XR and POTS: Unexpected Results

I recently started taking 5mg of adderall xr for my adhd and it seems to be helping my POTS so much. I'm really glad, but also very confused. I was expecting heart rate increases, not decreases. Has this happened for anyone else?

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it’s a stimulant so it could be increasing blood pressure and helping that way? for me i feel better on it but my crash afterwards is pretty bad



Have you had your thyroid checked?



Not recently, but I did before getting my POTS diagnosis when I first started expecting symptoms. Why?



For me it made my HR super high and with my POTS it was reaching 200bpm+ so I had to stop and move to a non stimulant. POTS is caused by many things as it is a syndrome, not a specific disease or anything. So possibly the ADHD meds are helping your postual/orthostatic tolerance somehow by “fixing” what ever was causing the POTS symptoms. I would simply keep an eye on it, if it’s not a problem then I wouldn’t worry much about it. Track your HR as you normally would, and note when you take the medication vs when you are not taking the medication. Like all stimulants, you should still limit usage as much as you can simply because they can become addictive and cause other issues, but just watch/track your BPM to look for any changes that are bad or good! Hope that helps!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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