Posts on Alike for March 2023

  1. Does Lyrica Help with Brain Fog?
  2. Need advice on Lyrica for Fibromyalgia
  3. What Would You Change About Your Life with Epilepsy?
  4. Help with Digestive Problems for POTS and EDS Patients
  5. Struggling with Bowel Movements and Anxiety
  6. Struggling with fatigue after increasing levothyroxine dose
  7. First MRI Scan - Need Advice
  8. Colonoscopy with POTS - Worried about Anesthesia
  9. Nausea and Dizziness with Vortioxetine: How Long Will It Last?
  10. Dealing with Medication Noncompliance
  11. How to deal with my fear of drowning?
  12. Heat Sensitivity: Red and Swollen Fingers
  13. HS & PCOS: How Do They Interact?
  14. Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - Seeking Support
  15. Struggling with Propranolol Side Effects
  16. Pacing for Chronic Fatigue: What Works for You?
  17. Tips for Dealing with Panic Attacks
  18. Managing Schizoaffective Symptoms: Tips and Tricks
  19. How to Stop Overthinking and Delusional Thinking?
  20. Painful Coccyx Tailbone in Hypermobility - Seeking Advice
  21. Looking for a Pain Doctor in Pittsburgh, PA
  22. Blood Test Results Taking Too Long?
  23. Dealing with Fibroids: Seeking Advice
  24. Struggling with Insomnia and Mental Health
  25. Looking for Gynos Who Recommend Hysterectomies for Health Concerns
  26. Looking for advice on mental health supplements
  27. Possible Autism Diagnosis: Seeking Support and Advice
  28. My GI Symptoms Have Been Increasing - What Could It Be?
  29. Coping with Premenstrual Depression
  30. Struggling with Insomnia and Work
  31. Struggling with Weight Gain After Breast Cancer Treatment
  32. Finding Support for Mental Health Struggles
  33. Questioning My Diagnosis: ADD or Anxiety?
  34. Has anyone with POTS found relief through cardio exercise?
  35. Looking for a Community of Trans Men with PCOS
  36. How to Talk to Your GP About Erythromelalgia Symptoms
  37. Need help with IUD and acne
  38. Realizing Sounds with Hearing Aids
  39. Managing My Mental Health as an Autistic Parent
  40. Getting an ADHD Diagnosis in the UK at 23: Help!
  41. Unbearable Menstrual Bleeding and Pain
  42. Struggling to Communicate with Mental Health Nurse
  43. Constant Fatigue: Is It Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Just Sleep Debt?
  44. Blood Rush to Feet with Varicose Veins?
  45. Spravato (Ketamine) for Treatment Resistant Depression
  46. Advice on Graves Disease Treatment Options
  47. Losing Weight with High Blood Pressure: Tips and Tricks
  48. Effective Meditation Techniques for Managing Anxiety
  49. Dealing with Pre-Appointment Anxiety for Hypothyroidism Diagnosis
  50. Coping with Autism, OCD and ADHD: Share Your Techniques
  51. When to Mention Mental Health Conditions in a Job Interview?
  52. Tilt Table Test and EMG Procedure: What to Expect?
  53. Getting Dizzy After Eating - Need Help!
  54. Switching from Depakote to Lithium: Need Advice
  55. What to Expect at a Neurologist Appointment?
  56. Dealing with Persistent Body Odor
  57. Pseudoseizures or Dissociation? Need Help Understanding My Symptoms
  58. Forgetting Anxiety Meds: Tips and Tricks
  59. Dealing with Neck Pain from Repetitive Motor Tics
  60. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue from a Young Age
  61. Migraine pain before period
  62. Struggling with Gastro Symptoms: Need Advice
  63. Seizure Detection App Now Premium: Is It Worth It?
  64. Need advice on adult canine tooth extraction
  65. Joint stiffness and rash during Raynauds attack
  66. Struggling with Seatbelts as an Autistic Person
  67. Introduction and Seeking Advice for Bipolar Disorder
  68. Struggling with Over-Eating as a T1D
  69. Sensory Overload at Restaurants: Is it Normal?
  70. Access Ride: A Cheaper Alternative to Uber/Lyft for Disabled People
  71. Sunosi causing diarrhea - how to cope?
  72. Need Quick Ways to Calm Down? Here are Some Tips!
  73. The Untold Truth About Pelvic Floor Health
  74. Itchy without a Rash: Fibromyalgia Symptom?
  75. IBS Flare Up Symptoms - Share Your Experience
  76. POTS diagnosis but not postural changes?
  77. Is Sitting on the Floor During Therapy an Autistic Thing?
  78. Tingling sensation during workout
  79. Fear of Death: Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?
  80. Am I Autistic? Evaluating My Behavior
  81. Struggling to Get a Doctor to Listen About My Fatigue
  82. Dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis: Seeking Advice
  83. How can I manage my Tourettes?
  84. Dealing with Anxiety: Anyone Else Struggling?
  85. Managing Asthma: Struggles and Questions
  86. How to Stop Anxiety Attacks: Tips and Tricks
  87. Relieving GERD throat tightness
  88. Living with Chronic Illness: My Story
  89. Age Regression as a Coping Mechanism for CFS and Fibro
  90. Do you have both ADHD and OCD? I need your help!
  91. Arm weakness and fatigue when tired - related to POTS?
  92. Feeling Stuck in Therapy: Need Advice
  93. Dealing with a Gut Wrenching Cough
  94. Tips for managing high pain days
  95. How to Confirm My Diagnosis?
  96. Late Pristiq Dose: Moody and Achy
  97. Constant feeling of food stuck in throat
  98. Do you ever feel like you're not really there?
  99. Dealing with Transgender Dysphoria
  100. Lyrica Dosage for Pain Relief
  101. Getting help with PIP claim
  102. Vitiligo and Thyroid: Any Connection?
  103. Struggling to Stay Asleep - Any Tips?
  104. Tips for managing fibromyalgia pain?
  105. Coping with Chronic Pain: Getting to Know the New Me
  106. Struggling with Fatigue During Trauma Therapy
  107. Do people with MCAS get random flare ups during spring?
  108. Worried about getting tested for ADHD
  109. Freaking Out About Catching a Bug
  110. Seeking Resources for Autism Diagnosis
  111. Unbearable Nausea: Seeking Advice and Support
  112. Coping with Social Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  113. Weaning off Lexapro for ADHD Meds: Need Advice on Concerta
  114. Frequent Bruising on Hands and Wrists
  115. How's Life Treating You?
  116. Strange experience with Prazosin
  117. Possible GERD flare up despite taking Omeprazole
  118. Has anyone tried phenergan? Need advice.
  119. Relief in ME Diagnosis
  120. Long Wait for Medical Appointment
  121. How do people with selective mutism communicate?
  122. Bumps on my leg, anyone else experienced this?
  123. Tips for doing basic tasks during a flare
  124. Experiencing Shoulder Pain, Anyone Else?
  125. Peppermint for IBS: Does it work?
  126. Dealing with Insomnia on Lamotrigine/Lamictal
  127. Light Sensitivity: Anyone Else?
  128. Muscle Tremors and Anxiety: Anyone Else?
  129. Flare ups and Emotional Turmoil
  130. BPD and ASD: Overlapping Symptoms?
  131. Nonverbal Flashbacks: Tips for Overcoming
  132. What Does a Fibro Flare-Up Feel Like?
  133. Coping with Borderline Personality Disorder: Seeking Support
  134. Pregnant with Gastroparesis: Balancing My Health and My Baby's
  135. Managing IBS through diet: What to avoid?
  136. Feeling Weird About My Wheelchair Appointment
  137. Sudden Onset of Anxiety and Depression
  138. Arthritis Flare Up Causing Severe Muscle Spasms
  139. Considering a Doctor's Appointment for Mental Health and Autism Assessment
  140. Dealing with Rosacea and Skin Inflammation
  141. Understanding Hashimotos Disease and Hypothyroidism
  142. Jittery and Nauseous: Anyone Else?
  143. Dealing with hEDS and POTS: Should I Wait for My Next Doctor's Appointment or Se…
  144. Making progress: I'm going back to therapy
  145. Losing Weight and Feeling Stuck
  146. Struggling with Mental Health and Seeking Advice
  147. Chronic High WBC Count - Seeking Answers
  148. Possible Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis - Seeking Advice
  149. Skin Tearing in EDS: Anyone Else Experiencing This?
  150. How to Overcome Fear of Booking Doctor Appointments for Mental Health Issues
  151. Why Does Missing a Day of Depression Medication Make Me Feel Amazing?
  152. Dealing with Chronic Fatigue at Work
  153. Taking Seroquel for PTSD after abusive husband's death
  154. Is slight redness and swelling normal after MRI contrast dye injection?
  155. Worsening POTS Symptoms: Could Hormones Be the Culprit?
  156. Advice on Trintellix medication
  157. Getting Naltrexone for Pain Management
  158. BPD Diagnosis Doesn't Add Up: Fear of Abandonment?
  159. Antidepressants not working anymore, what to do?
  160. Connection between Hypermobility and POTS
  161. Affording Vyvanse for ADHD: Any Tips?
  162. Can't Stop Overthinking at Night, Need Help!
  163. Considering TMS for Depression Treatment
  164. Why is it bad to have mental health on your medical records?
  165. Why do I always get nosebleeds in the same nostril?
  166. Memory Loss with Hashimotos: Anyone Else?
  167. Controlling Brain Fog: Tips and Tricks
  168. Should I Consider Epilepsy a Disability?
  169. Looking for Support with SLE Diagnosis
  170. Dealing with Sleep Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  171. Rexulti and heat sensitivity: What you need to know
  172. Relief from Migraines with Emgality
  173. How to Achieve Remission from Lyme Disease?
  174. The High Cost of Diabetes: Why is it So Expensive?
  175. Help with Falling and Staying Asleep
  176. Is Lamotrigine Effective for BPD?
  177. Managing Endometriosis with Gastroparesis and EDS
  178. Remedies for EDS Pain and Joint Dislocation?
  179. Dealing with frequent migraines, any tips?
  180. Intrusive Thoughts and ASD: Is There a Connection?
  181. Can Malnutrition Cause Long-Term Vitamin Deficiency?
  182. Need help with restless legs on Fluoxetine
  183. Preparing for Japan: Dealing with Focalin Withdrawal
  184. Constant Fatigue and Lack of Concern for Emergencies
  185. Looking for Other Systems with Chronic Illness/Disability and Trans Identity
  186. Balancing Healthy Eating and Long Work Hours
  187. Abdominal pain after appendix removal and intestinal repair
  188. Struggling with Chronic Illness: Medication Woes and Quality of Life
  189. Dealing with Nausea and Dizziness after Ovarian Cyst Rupture
  190. Help for IBS Sufferers: Advice Needed
  191. Need advice on disability case for fibromyalgia
  192. Living with Chronic Illness: The Comfort of Spoon Theory
  193. Dealing with Acid Reflux: Need Advice
  194. Tips for Dealing with IBS-C and Low-FODMAP Diet
  195. How to Get Rid of a Bone Spur on Your Foot?
  196. Looking for people with similar GI issues
  197. The Problem with Unqualified Medical Advice on this App
  198. Staring Spells and Migraines: Seeking Advice
  199. Alternative Pain Management Ideas for a 62-Year-Old
  200. Struggling with ADHD, Depression and Chronic Fatigue
  201. Struggling with PCOS weight gain and fertility
  202. Redness and Bumps After MRI Cannula Insertion
  203. My Experience with Propranolol for Anxiety
  204. Medication for Borderline Disorder: What Works?
  205. Do Compression Socks Help You Sleep Better?
  206. Can Work Schedule Affect Sickness?
  207. Trouble Holding Head Up - Could it be Chiari?
  208. Dealing with Endometriosis Pain
  209. Looking for Tinnitus Relief: Any Suggestions?
  210. Struggling with Mental Health and Weight Gain
  211. Concerns about propranolol and low heart rate
  212. Dealing with Weather Anxiety
  213. Negative Experience with Edibles - Need Advice
  214. Connecting with others experiencing similar health issues
  215. Struggling to Parent: Tips for Surviving
  216. What's the Worst Part of BPD?
  217. Asking for an Autism Assessment: Should You List Every Trait?
  218. Is my chest pain and heart palpitations normal?
  219. How to know if I'm Type 1 or 2 Bipolar?
  220. Dealing with Shingles: What to Expect and Advice Needed
  221. Fast Relief for Acid Reflux Pain with Dexilent Medication
  222. Dealing with Excessive Hair Growth: Seeking Advice
  223. Dealing with Chronic Pain and Allergies: My EDS/POTS/MCAS Journey
  224. Seeking advice on possible endometriosis diagnosis
  225. Service Dog for EDS/POTS: Helpful or Not?
  226. Has Anyone Else Experienced Ozempic Hair Loss?
  227. Looking for advice on Hero medication dispenser
  228. Struggling with sugar cravings
  229. Long-term HIV treatment and sudden physical decline
  230. Living with OCD and ADHD: Which One Affects You More?
  231. Finding the Right Exercise Routine for Hypermobile Folk
  232. Overactive Bladder at Night: Anyone Else?
  233. Struggling with Alcoholism and Intense Anxiety
  234. Running Out of Abilify: What Should I Do?
  235. How to Sleep Without Medication During Withdrawals?
  236. Finally found something that helps with my anxiety!
  237. Fighting Dizziness for New Job in Fast Food
  238. Bipolar Survey: Diagnosis and Advice
  239. Asthma and Edibles: Is There Anyone Here Who Has Had It Flair Up?
  240. Are Non-Negative Trauma Flashbacks Normal?
  241. Alcohol and Propranolol: Side Effects?
  242. Experiencing Aura Episodes: Migraine or Focal Seizures?
  243. Undiagnosed with POTS: What Should I Do?
  244. Strattera and Painful Bowel Movements: Any Advice?
  245. Do Psych Meds Help or Hurt You?
  246. Struggling to Quit Smoking: Seeking Advice
  247. Possible Narcolepsy with Cataplexy Symptoms
  248. Recommendations for Heart Rate Monitor Watch for POTS?
  249. Negative Thought Loops on Meds
  250. Dealing with Nausea Every Morning
  251. Diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic Syncope: Seeking Answers
  252. How to Improve Migraines and Get Back to Work
  253. Struggling with ARFID diagnosis
  254. Looking for advice on Invitae Autoinflammatory and Autoimmunity Syndromes Panel
  255. Upcoming Surgery: Feeling Stressed but Hopeful
  256. Coffee and Lexapro: Do They Mix?
  257. Can Hypnosis Help with Mental Illness?
  258. Dealing with Short Term Memory Loss Post Seizure
  259. Fired for Health Issues: Has it Happened to You?
  260. Dealing with Scoliosis and Body Image Issues
  261. Need advice on POTS medication
  262. Nausea and Appetite Loss on ADHD Medication
  263. Diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder: Seeking Support
  264. Dealing with a Fibromyalgia Diagnosis: Asking for Accommodations and Overcoming …
  265. Adjusting to Life with Diabetes: My Journey So Far
  266. How much alcohol can you drink before getting sick?
  267. Need advice for full face CPAP mask
  268. Asking for Knee Braces and Finger Splints
  269. How to differentiate between depression and medication-induced fatigue?
  270. Living with Severe ADHD: My Struggle and Journey
  271. Negative Sjogren's Antibody Test but Still Have Symptoms
  272. Coping with Bipolar Disorder: Tips and Strategies
  273. Are there any medical studies on cannabis vaping?
  274. Living with Fibromyalgia: A New Journey Begins
  275. Starting Pregabalin for Pain: When Will I Notice a Difference?
  276. Struggling to Lose Weight on Duloxetine
  277. Looking for a Heart Rate Monitor: Any Recommendations?
  278. Physical Signs of Anxiety and Depression
  279. Connecting with Others Diagnosed with Endometriosis & PCOS
  280. Struggling with Bipolar Meds and Possible ADHD Diagnosis
  281. Dealing with Flashbacks: What to Do When Meds Aren't Available
  282. Am I Lying About My Mental Health?
  283. Panic Attacks and Anxiety During Peri Menopause
  284. Hair Falling Out with Lupus or PCOS
  285. Dealing with Mood Swings without Medication
  286. Coping with Paranoia: Tips and Tricks
  287. Antidepressants: Good and Bad Stories
  288. Weaning off Lexapro and increasing Buspar
  289. My First Neurologist Visit and Celebrating with Sushi!
  290. Unexpected Results from Taking Lexapro
  291. Suffering from headaches, anyone else with low iron?
  292. Dealing with Occipital Neuralgia: Seeking Advice
  293. Debilitating Vestibular Dysfunction - Seeking Support
  294. Cold Feet and Numbness with Pulmonary Hypertension
  295. Constant Fatigue and Medication Dilemma
  296. Talking to my mental health person about worsening depression and ADHD
  297. Asthma Flair Up After Consuming Edibles
  298. First Time Neurology Visit for ADHD, OCD and Anxiety
  299. Questioning My Bipolar Diagnosis
  300. Has anyone lost weight with metformin?
  301. Switching from Lexapro to Wellbutrin - Terrible Withdrawals
  302. Waiting for Mobic to Work
  303. Constant Anxiety and Physical Symptoms
  304. Understanding Schizophrenia's Impact on Cognition
  305. Arthritis Pain at 19: Feeling Old and Helpless
  306. Looking for Hemorrhoid Relief: What Products Work Best?
  307. Gabapentin for MS Back Spasms: Is It Working?
  308. Endoscopy tomorrow, scared and need advice
  309. Struggling with POTS and ADHD, Need Advice
  310. Struggling to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism: Seeking Advice
  311. Looking for Others with Bipolar Disorder
  312. Struggling to Advocate for Myself as a Chronically Ill Patient
  313. Struggling to Find Low Carb Savoury Snacks?
  314. Need advice on birth control options with lupus
  315. Does anyone else not dream?
  316. Has anyone with Fibromyalgia been successful in applying for PIP?
  317. Effexor Withdrawal: Constant Shivering and Coldness
  318. How to Tell if Your ADHD Medication is Effective
  319. My Life-Changing Experience with Ketamine Treatment
  320. Looking for Someone with Schizophrenia or Schizoeffective Disorder to Talk To
  321. How to tell if your ADHD meds are effective?
  322. Managing Endometriosis with Implants: Need Advice
  323. Constant Full Body Numbness - Worried and Annoyed
  324. Struggling with Exercise Intolerance: Seeking Advice
  325. Dealing with Chronic Ankle Pain and a Short Leg on a Disney Trip
  326. Struggling to Get Diagnosed with Autism
  327. Questions about starting Concerta XR for ADHD
  328. Painful swelling in knee, fatigue and rash - seeking advice
  329. Considering a Medication Switch, Need Advice
  330. Celiac Disease and Pregnancy: What to Know
  331. Overwhelmed by Showers: Tips for Managing Sensory Overload
  332. Irregular Periods and Pregnancy Test
  333. Extreme Fatigue and Pounding Heart After Eating - Anyone Else?
  334. Confused about reading my thyroid nodule radiology report
  335. Pins and Needles in My Hand: What's Going On?
  336. Struggling with Pain Medication
  337. Should I See a Doctor for My Neck Pain?
  338. Disclosing All My Diagnoses in Forums
  339. Feeling Empty: How Do I Help Myself?
  340. Struggling with Health Issues and Adjusting to Life Changes
  341. Muscle Tightening from Ear to Nose - Fibromyalgia?
  342. Triggers for Migraines: What You Need to Know
  343. Dealing with PMDD Symptoms: Seeking Advice
  344. Can Keppra Cause Osteoporosis? How to Combat It?
  345. Identifying and Managing Anxiety-Induced Thoughts
  346. Has anyone experienced tinnitus after having COVID-19?
  347. Advice for Reducing Insomnia and Dissociation?
  348. Need help with ADD medication alternatives
  349. Dealing with Stomach Pains and Weight Loss
  350. Trying an Elimination Diet: My Experience
  351. How to Lower High Blood Pressure: Seeking Suggestions
  352. Can Depression Symptoms Ever Go Away?
  353. Concerns about Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis in the UK
  354. Help! I'm getting rashes all over my body!
  355. Experiences with QULIPTA medication?
  356. Concerns about Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis in the UK
  357. High Blood Pressure and Endometriosis
  358. Dealing with a UTI: Tips and Tricks
  359. Dealing with Constipation from Diabetes Medication
  360. Worse Pain Symptoms Before Period: Anyone Else?
  361. Ketamine Treatment: When to Get a Booster Shot?
  362. Lignocaine Infusions for Fibromyalgia Pain: Anyone Else Tried It?
  363. Looking for Glasses to Help with Visual Snow Syndrome
  364. Struggling with Sleeping at Night
  365. Schizophrenia Support: Let's Connect and Make Friends!
  366. Sharp pain in left side of stomach
  367. Trouble getting Topamax/Trokendi XR from pharmacy
  368. Heart rate dips while sleeping, is it normal?
  369. Help for Peripheral Neuropathy Pain?
  370. Dealing with Social Anxiety: Tips and Tricks
  371. Teeth Cleaning Pain: How Long Will It Last?
  372. Looking for Guidance on Using Mobility Aids
  373. Has anyone tried the Terry Wahls protocol?
  374. Managing Nausea Caused by Topiramate
  375. Seeking Help for Anemia Symptoms Since 2018
  376. Feeling Dizzy and Weak: Seeking Advice
  377. Quetiapine for Sleep: Normal Dosage?
  378. Severe Pain Cutting Steak: Finger and Wrist Braces?
  379. Dealing with Constant Hip Pain
  380. Is it normal to have gurgling and bubbling in your rectum with IBS?
  381. Tips for better sleep?
  382. Numbness in hands and legs for 9 weeks, is it normal?
  383. Sertraline pills smelling sweet?
  384. Sore Throat: Tonsillitis or Strep?
  385. Dealing with Anxiety and ADHD
  386. Dealing with Chronic Chest Pain: Is it Heartburn or Gastritis?
  387. High B12 Levels - Need Advice
  388. Managing Anxiety While Making Phone Calls
  389. Experiencing Neck Pain and Chills
  390. Looking for Advice on Thyroid Support Supplements
  391. Struggling with Wellbutrin Side Effects
  392. Horrific stomach pain with Ehlers Danlos
  393. Struggling to Remember My Mental Health History
  394. CBD Oil and Patches: Any Experiences?
  395. Should I Get a Wheelchair for Bad Days?
  396. Constant Fatigue and Anxiety: Seeking Advice
  397. Stomach Pain After Gallbladder Removal: Is It Normal?
  398. Struggling with Hunger Signals due to MELAS and Mental Health
  399. Dealing with Severe Chest Pain Due to Anxiety
  400. Struggling with Social Anxiety: How to Reconnect with Friends
  401. First Time Going to Therapy and Feeling Nervous
  402. Managing Pain with Lyrica
  403. Maximizing Life with Fibromyalgia
  404. Ajovy for Migraines: Anyone Tried It?
  405. Vomiting after ECT therapy - need advice on OTC medicine
  406. DKA and Low Potassium Levels: Any Other Diabetics Experience This?
  407. Excessive sweating on Lexapro
  408. Understanding the Difference Between Schizoaffective and Bipolar
  409. Tips for Helping a Child Through a Panic Attack
  410. Can POTS Cause Stomach Pain?
  411. How to Approach a New Doctor: Tips and Tricks
  412. How can I get tested for autism?
  413. Struggling to Get a Diagnosis: Need Advice
  414. Insomnia and vivid nightmares on fluoxetine
  415. Managing Chronic Conditions: Tips and Tricks
  416. Medication not working, what should I do?
  417. Taking Care of Epilepsy: Seeking Advice
  418. Medication Side Effects: What Are You Experiencing?
  419. How to Stop Thick Hair Loss?
  420. Perimenopause Symptoms: How Do You Know?
  421. Natural remedies for acid reflux?
  422. How to get diagnosed with ARFID?
  423. Throat Pain and Swallowing Difficulty
  424. Dealing with Driving Anxiety with ADHD
  425. Managing Pain Without Ibuprofen: Need Advice
  426. Lupus and Food: What Triggers Flares?
  427. Nervous about Endoscopy and Colonoscopy Prep
  428. Increased Tic Frequency with Marijuana Use in Tourette's Syndrome
  429. Dealing with Uncertainty: Tips Needed
  430. Dealing with Fatty Liver Diagnosis
  431. Has anyone had gastric bypass surgery for gastroparesis?
  432. Struggling with Chronic Pain and Limited Options
  433. IBS Symptoms After Eating: Is It Common?
  434. Are These Red Spots on My Hand Warts?
  435. Do wheelchairs help with POTS?
  436. Is Lexapro working for me?
  437. Looking for self-care ideas while being a caregiver and working
  438. Struggling to Wake Up with CPAP
  439. Flare Ups with Stomach Problems
  440. Weening off Anti-Depressants: What to be Cautious of?
  441. Redoing My Medication: Seeking Advice
  442. Foul Taste and Smell in Mouth Every Morning for 3 Years
  443. Shivers of Beauty After Trauma
  444. Can't Sleep, Need Suggestions!
  445. Can't Sleep? Need Suggestions!
  446. Are these tics? Need advice.
  447. Dealing with Jaw Pain: Seeking Advice
  448. How to talk to my doctor about suspected Autism?
  449. Dealing with Intense Menstrual Cramps
  450. Dealing with Epilepsy Symptoms: Anyone Else?
  451. Possible Side Effects of Endoscopy: A Warning
  452. Late Stage Lyme: Seeking Advice and Support
  453. Confused about my gender identity
  454. Considering ADHD Diagnosis as an Adult
  455. First Doctor Visit Tomorrow - What to Expect?
  456. Has anyone tried Stasis for stimulant side effects?
  457. Looking for Distractions from Chronic Pain
  458. Struggling with Social Anxiety and Making Friends
  459. Insurance won't cover my POTS medication, need advice
  460. Switching from Sertraline: Experiences and Side Effects
  461. First EMDR session: Intense but Good
  462. Struggling to Save a Baby Rabbit
  463. Has anyone tried KT tape for joint pain?
  464. Need Help Understanding My Blood Smear Results
  465. Seeking Advice for Endometriosis Pain Medication
  466. What is a Semiverbal Person?
  467. Dealing with the Adderall Shortage in Senior Year
  468. Fibromyalgia and Incontinence: Seeking Answers
  469. Dealing with Pain-somnia: Tips Needed
  470. The Struggle of Finding Common Ground with EDs
  471. Questions about Endometriosis and My Experience