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Updated 11mo ago

Getting Dizzy After Eating - Need Help!

Hi, I keep getting dizzy right after eating— like blurred vision, vertigo, muscle aches, etc. especially after dinner. My diet is mainly like: Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ cinnamon, blueberries, and small plate of mixed fruit (which is banana, strawberries, oranges, cantaloupe or pineapple) and a small plate of spinach Lunch: lettuce with 1/4 of chicken breast and 4 carrots, potato or white rice, plate of mixed fruit Dinner: 1/4 cup green beans, table spoon peas, 1/4 cup carrots and 1/4 chicken with some spinach I figure I need to cut on the carbs, but does anyone know what this could be? I am open to suggestions. Also I keep getting hungry even after I ate so much, and when I’m hungry I simultaneously feel so nauseated like I’m about to throw up. No idea why. Sometimes it goes away for a few days but comes back. Thank you!

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One user mentioned experiencing dizziness after eating and found out that they had a sensitivity to salicylates, which are present in many fruits and vegetables. It's important to consult with a docto...See More




I would check your iron levels



Thank you I’ll bring it up to my doctor :) I struggle to get protein in— any advice here? I try to manage with chicken breast but have no idea how much I’m supposed to be eating daily and don’t like cooking/baking everyday



This happened to me!! It sounds as if you aren't really eating enough to be honest. You don't need to cut things out. For me it was because I wasn't eating enough then I'd eat and my temperature would go up way too high and I'd faint and stuff



Heyo, an update, I increased my calorie intake to ~1000, then ~1400 today, and I am feeling much better. I have to say I am extremely grateful for your comment because it never occurred to me that I wasn’t eating enough… I’m going to seek a dietician to help me out because this isn’t the first time I’ve been undereating without realizing. Thank you for helping me start this recovery ❤️



You are really not eating enough ... How many calories is that? A healthy adult needs 2000+



I’ll try to start monitoring my calories and get back to you!! Thank you for the input ❤️



I logged everything and it was 782 cal, so I’ll try to start eating more now 😢 Also I had 155g carb but 23g protein and 8g fat so I probably need to get more of those. Its just hard to do following low FODMAP because all of the servings and foods are precise

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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