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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with Social Anxiety: How to Reconnect with Friends

im feeling a lot better agter getting off medication but im still too scared to get out and see friends. im just getting into voice calls and stuff and feeling less anxious about it. my mom is really pushing me to have people over and go to friends houses but its so hard to not be anxious just THINKING about a person coming over. im 17 and i WANT to be like any other teenager. 2021 i was doing things and comstantly out and about. but 2022 and 2023 have been the absolute worst and i completely lost my social self. im a recluse, im hidden, and i dont know how to escape. i make excuses and im scared to have 10 minute visits with friends

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It's important to take small steps and gradually expose yourself to social situations. You can start by inviting a close friend over or going for a short walk with someone you trust. Remember, it's ok...See More




Voice calls is a great start! Sometimes it is helpful when someone pushes you, once you go out the first time it will get easier. You just need to make that first jump. Youre not alone though, the isolation from covid has made so many of us lose our social selves.



hey, you got this!! you don't know for sure things will be bad at all, you could go out and it could be absolutely GREAT! you could also go out and still feel bad anxious, but you should at least be proud you went out at all. if you want to be like other teenagers, you can! you gotta take that first step before you can walk! ik you can do it, no matter who you are or what your experiences are! take as much time as you need to be ready, but if you wait too long, that opportunity might pass. procrastinating isn't gonna help, you have to muster up the courage yourself- no matter how hard it might seem! I believe in you, and I know you can do it!!! go for it!!!! see your friends and those who can make you happy,aaa



And hey, if you don't think you can do it at all, keep voice calling and/or texting your friends until you're comfortable enough to hang out in person again! take as many baby steps as you need, until you're ready :)

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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