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Updated 10mo ago

Can Hypnosis Help with Mental Illness?

Has anyone considered Hypnosis to rewire the brain to curb mental limitations or any other mental illness?

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Yes, some people have considered hypnosis therapy and hypnotherapy as a way to help with mental limitations and mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, and insecurity.




No have u



I did end up going to a hypnotherapist and it helped a lot! It does seem to me that I’ll need to continue the treatment to fully reap the benefits.



I’m looking into it.



is it any good



Sounds interesting, I've never heard of this before! Please update us if you go for it, and let us know what you think. Good luck with the journey



thank you I will!!



Yes I have considered this and I have attempted it as well in a self-regulated environment, not a professional one. I attempted several times over the course of several weeks to potentially 2 months? It didn't particularly work for me, I figure because 1. I don't have a professional available to help me do it, and 2. When it comes to hypnosis I have a wall where I'm slightly capable of being hypnotized and then I snap back out of it. I actually attribute that to DID stuff, dissociation versus snapping back out of dissociation, switches, etc, and adhd stuff, hyperactivity, and inability to stay focused on one task. However if you're in it for the long haul, which you should be if you're trying to rewire your brain, you're going to find the most success by repeatedly doing the actions you want to be doing, and saying the phrases that you want to believe. That is how you build neural pathways, that is how you pave the way for your brain and your body to believe it later. You will never get to the point that you are capable of doing and believing those things unless you start saying them when you don't believe it, and doing light versions of the wanted actions to habit-build when you can't do the whole big thing. This is genuinely somewhat like a long haul hypnosis, the results are not immediate, however they are incredibly effective. Even in the face of near constant pushback and imposter syndrome over saying the good nice things about myself and doing the things that I wasn't capable of doing, by following this my capability in both areas has increased by about 30 to 40%. This means that I am about 30 to 40% more capable than I was 5 years ago, and I am about 30 to 40% more believing the compliments that come out of my brain and stopping the constant negativity and self-deprecation.



this was a very well put and thought out response. I really appreciate the effort and time you put into to this. I am 100% agreeing with you as well. I have done a lot of what you said as well. I’ve even listened to hypnosis affirmations while I sleep and just like you said over the last year I’ve probably gained 30-40% more capabilities. I still struggle a lot with my ADHD and staying focused. Part of those symptoms are disassociation, and the inability to take action in a lot of ways. I will continue to try and better my self but I think I’ll still pursue the hypnosis thing if I can financially pull it off eventually.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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