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Updated 10mo ago

Dealing with Excessive Hair Growth: Seeking Advice

Does anyone take tablets or creams for excessive hair growth? what are your experiences? I used to take the pill which didn't help with any of my symptoms and made me pile on weight also.. is there anything is working for you guys?

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One user mentioned taking Spironolactone for excessive hair growth due to high testosterone levels, and it has helped them. They also noted that it lessens acne and reduces anxiety. Another user found...See More




I get eflonathine cream off the doctor which slows down the hair growth. You can ask to be referred to a specialist to find medications to help I'm going to see one next week.



Honestly, I just shave mine. 🪒



I’ve been using desogestrel (progesterone only pill) and waxing. It kinda helped a lot in reducing hair on how it used to be before. With waxing my hair usually takes 2-3 weeks to go. But I don’t wax my face just shave it 🙈 Now I started spironolactone, it has been almost 2 weeks. Haven’t shaved yet to see changes. Waiting on my next wax app. So will update you on that. I have my eye on vaniqa for the face will call my doctor to prescribe it for me for the face. I noticed for everyone everything works differently. So is best to try different popular techniques and creams until you find the one that suit you best.



Hi I don't take any tablets or creams but do use home laser for a hair removal treatment and it has reduced excessive hair growth on my face by 75% in a year. It's an ongoing treatment though.

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